Best friend's drama

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Ok, I have been trying to publish this chapter like  the 'nth times, so let try it again this time and see if it work..

Yo's POV

"Ok Ming spill it. What in the world make you this grumpy? And don't you dear said because you are hungry." I waited for awhile befor he conceived and with a sigh he started to narrated his story.

"Huy..Ok.. I saw him last night at the bar." I gasp and asked him, "he, as in HE?" I make sure to inphasized the second he. Well, Ming have been fond of a certain senior since high school, but never have the courage to confessed since he  wasn't sure of himself til it was too late that when that senior have graduated already.

"So, how does it goes? Did you confessed?" I asked with eagerness. He nodded, but with a sad expression. I guess his confession doesn't go well.


After I get off the phone with Kit. I got dressed and head out to our usual restaurant.  When I getbthere ai'Beam already there with a grumpy kitty. "Can you believe it, he confessed to me in front of my date!?" Kit literally screamed with his hand in the air. With a confused look I ask "what the drama about ai'Kit?"and with that question I earn a death glare from the later.  I just brushed it off and setbnext to ai'Beam. "He just got confessed by a junior, which happened to be his long lost crush from high school." Ai'Beam fill me in. 

"Really..!? Shouldn't you be happy that he finally see you and on top of that he confessed.?" I asked. " Well, it would if I wasn't on a date at that time. Oh, yeah I forgot that he was in a blind date that his mom set up for him. I bet his mother would be on his back very soon. Oh, my poor friend lets hope his mother won't be hard on him.


As we walk into the restaurant I hit myself against a hard back of my stupid friend.  "Shia ai'Ming! A little heads up next time when you decided to stop and daydream will ya?" When I didn't hear his retort back I look up to see he was dumbstruck at his post. So I fallow his gaze and the source of his actin along with that the source if my tugging heart. And now we're both speechless and just stare at the very source. I saw hurt and hope in Ming face. He's hurt because P'Kit ignor his confession, but hope because he did not completely reject him. When the later look up and their eyes connected king slowly walk over to their table.

"Hi Piis..." Ming manage to greet them with a wai. I am too waii to them but my eyes just focus on  only one in specific. P'Kit just nodded his head but P'Pha was the one that initiate and ask us to join them. He point to the seat next to P'Kit and told Ming sit there, while he pull another chair from a near by table and place it between his and his other friend. "N'Yo can sit right here." He patted the chair for me to sit. I accepted with a shy nodded of my head. Once I seated I look up at Ming and P'kit and see that they are just staring at each other with longing in their heart, and its driving me crazy.

As I'm about to say something, somebody already beat me to it. "Ok, lets get this overvwith. N'Ming, do you like P's friend sincerely or just for fun? To tell you the truth we know your reputation in high school as one of the top 3 playboys. So, what do you have to say about this?" P'Beam questioned.

Uh-oh, good luck my dear friend. It seems like p'Kit have avery protective friends here. 

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