Chapter Ten: Catchin' On Fast.

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The morning light filtered into the house and burned my eyelids. The waking force was apparent when Aaron's lips skimmed along the back of my ear. His breath was gentle on my neck as he spoke, "Wake up honey." He said calmly, in a low whisper.

He had already been up because the smell of bacon, eggs and biscuits with sausage gravy. It was a sweet smell that amazed me and shocked my senses to life. I rolled onto my side to look up at Aaron who was grinning. Once again his hair was feathered in the front and oiled back on the sides. He was wearing white pants and a blue and white button down. He smell of some strong cologne which sent my senses into ecstasy.

"Well don't you look snazzy." I said, forcing myself to sit up right. Now it was coming together, we'd slept on the couch when we came in because mom was in bed.

He leaned down and brushed his lips over mine before he was on his feet again, "Get up, drink some orange juice, eat and get dressed. We're going to Graceland." I could tell he was excited. I only smiled and forced myself off the mattress. Aaron had undressed me last night, apparently. I was in a new deep purple silk pajama top with an black capital A embroidered on it.

"You undressed me?" I questioned, wide eyed, "What is wrong with you?" I stared at him, sadly.

He smiled, moving to my side. His fingers traced along my jaw bone and then in one swift move he pushed a stray strand of blond hair from my face. His eyes were golden today as he glared into mine, "I didn't do anything to you, I promise."

I nodded. At moments like this, I felt at the top of the world. His lips landed on mine in a deep, passionate kiss. 

"Mmmm- hmmm..." Mom cleared her throat, making it known that she was in our presence. I knew mom didn't mind us dating but she did mind when we were "eating each others faces" while she was in the room.

"Sorry, Mrs. Johnson." Aaron declared, taking a step back from me. "I didn't mean anything by it." He said loudly, turning away from me. I only smiled and followed his lead into the kitchen where he had laid out three plates of food.

"You cooked?" Mom asked.

"Actually," He looked down, shyly, "It's take out. I took the car and got food after I showered because I was up first and I guess I wanted to make it up to ya'll for that sceptical I made of us yesterday."

Mom smirked, "Honey, don't worry about it. I'm kind of glad you did that. Someone needed to knock that boy down to size."

Aaron laughed and pulled out my chair from the dining room table. I took my appropriate seat and he pushed the chair in. Next, he repeated for mom and finally seated himself. We ate quietly at first but suddenly, Aaron was striking up a conversation, and it was certainly interesting to say the least.

"So, Mrs. Johnson," He started, raising his glass to his lips. The contents of the glass stirred and lapped the sides gently, "What would you say if I said I was going to marry your daughter?"

Mom looked up from her food, bacon in her hand. I dragged my fork over my plate, "I would say," she started, "That first, I am not the person you need to ask for blessings from and then I would say that I wish you the best of luck." She said, her voice was loving as she said this. 

"I would say thank you very much, Mrs. Johnson. I do intend to marry Dahlia Marie. However, not this soon." He said calmly and then the bright orange liquid in the glass was washing down his throat.

I looked up at him, my gaze questioning, "Who the hell are you?" I asked, "Aaron, you're acting very oddly. Has Elvis taken you over or something? Not that I'm bitching but this is weird. You always call my mother mom. Why the sudden change?"

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