Chapter 6 -Handoff-

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Credit where credit is due.


Alright I'm done LETS GO!

Deathstroke had his eye trained on the table, his hand fingering a bullet, twisting it around his gloved fingers as he stared off into space. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and feelings, the most prominent one being anger, but tamed by the daunting task set before him.

Renegade wasn't home yet, probably a good thing as his next course of action would not make sense to the acrobat. Deathstroke only wished he had more time, he had hoped Renegades last mission would be with him, not alone as his apprentice had hoped it wouldn't be. But of course, life isn't fair, he had to make do with the time given to him.

Deathstroke closed his fist around the bullet, he would have to use his anger for other things, right now he needed to make preparations and get his plan underway. His plan was simple, and he hoped Renegade would understand, but for this mission to potentially succeed, Renegade must be in the dark.

Deathstroke shifted up in his seat, he had been slouching with his legs extended under the table, a relaxed position, a thinking position, one that hid his true anger. He stood and put the bullet back in its pouch, it was still night, if all went well Renegade should return soon, Deathstroke would have to work quickly.

He left the kitchen, the only sound the scrape of fabric on fabric and his boots on the concrete ground, leaving the kitchen where so many memories were made. Memories he didn't want to stop making.

He went to his 'office' as Renegade liked to call it, where Deathstroke 'schemed'- yet another term made by the wisecracking teen. It held all his files and information he had on everything he felt was important. He closed the heavy door behind him and flicked the light switch on, the dark room coming to life as the white lights shown brilliantly down. One wall held a bulletin board, pictures of targets and building schematics pined on by tacks, recent missions still hanging. Another wall held a row of tall file cases, metal containers with locks that harbored his information.

He walked silently over to the file cabinet near the end, closest to the other wall that held a giant screen. He pulled off his right glove and placed his thumb on a scanner, after a green light grazed over his finger print a metal 'clink' signaled the cabinets unlocking. He pulled opened the drawer labeled 'Renegade' and flipped through the flies inside before pausing at a picture that caught his eye. He gently pulled the photo free and stared at it, the picture was taken by a security camera, the date printed at the top corner.

Deathstrokes eye narrowed as he continued to look at the photo, taken so long ago but it felt like yesterday. He slammed the drawer shut with his free hand, gripping the photo with increasing intensity until it started to bend. He softened his grip on the picture, he didn't want to ruin it, it was his favorite picture. If anyone needed proof of how weak Deathstroke had become because of this boy, this picture would be case closing evidence.

He finally looked away from the photo and walked over to the large table that doubled as a desk, across the table were numerous papers and files out from recent missions. He swiped away a pile of papers and set the photo down carefully, he looked up to the giant screen across from the table, his eye narrowing to focus his mind on the task at hand.

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