Chapter 15 -Carrot On A Stick-

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Wally woke to a face full of cat butt.

"Mmph- 'et offmmph-" The speedster groaned and tiredly shoved the cat away.

Matthew danced delicately off the red-head, his paws barely making any sound on the blankets. The creature sat, staring at the groggy speedster. He meowed.

Wally frowned as he shifted up, blinking tired eyes and rubbing his tired face. "How'd you even get in here?" He asked the cat. His door was closed, and he was almost certain his room had been cat-free when he went to bed.

Matthew meowed at him again, this time his poofy tail flicking urgently.

Technically speaking, the speedster and the cat hadn't formally met yet. After Renegade went to his room, Connor had come in wondering what happened and Wally told him the truth: Renegade had a panic attack because of his fear of large rooms. For a moment, he swore he saw sorrow on the clone's face, but it was quickly overcome by his angry resting face. That's when another dark figure leaped down from the sky and scared the living crap out of Wally.

The creature had bolted, leaving the speedster with a heart attack and the clone amused.

Connor explained the cat to Wally, apparently he was Renegades 'pet', and he used quotation marks because Matthew didn't exactly listen to anyone.

Wally sighed and shifted his feet under the covers. "Alright Matthew, I'm up, but I'm not getting you food."

The speedster looked over, finding the clock blearing three red numbers.


He groaned again, giving the cat a glare, planning on definitely giving the cat a stern talking to that would never get past that thick skull- or ears for that matter.

Then a scream ripped through the air.

All sense of sleep left the speedster, fear driving himself to attention only to pause, just to be sure he heard right. Even though he had only known the mercenary for a few days he knew that scream was his.

He bolted out of bed, not caring about his pajamas and not caring he wasn't wearing a mask. Renegade knew his ID anyway, no sense in wasting precious time. Renegade could be hurt or dead or dying! (Well clearly he was still alive, or else the screams would have stopped but that was details). Matthew was flug to the side in his haste, the cat yowled in rage but Wally was already out the door.

He raced down the hallway towards the mercenary's bedroom, but slowed at the door. It was broken, almost obliterated. He studied the door for a moment, the doorknob was still in its place, locked, but the rest of the door cracked off and laid limply and broken on the floor inside the room. Inside the room. Whatever had broken the door came IN not OUT.

Someone had broken in.

Wally leaped over the mess, ready to annihilate whoever had broken in and hurt his friend.

He was stopped cold by the sight.

Superboy (NOT an enemy) was there instead, holding down Renegade's arm, the one that held the knife. The rest of the young mercenary was flailing and thrashing, more screams and anguished cries tearing out of his throat. His limbs were beating against the clone, but held no effect to the kryptonians skin of steel.

"Pin him down!" Superboy grunted intensely, his blue eyes focused on the limb that held the most danger. The boy was practically writhing under him and it was hard to keep his grip. Connor held him hard to the bed, having to cover his wrist as well, before it tried moving to stab him.

Wally jolted out of his surprise and sped forward to grab the boy's legs, then leaning over to get more weight on them when he was nearly kicked off. "What's going on?! Is he still asleep?!" Wally asked in a panic, eyes wide and having to shout over the boy's screaming.

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