Chapter 13 -Seismic Waves Part 2-

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A small, almost-ten year old Dick Grayson grunted as he wobbled shakilly down the alleyway, the big heavy cat in his arms wasn't exactly helping his progress, or his wounds. His blood soaked pant leg dragged on the ground behind him, the exposed leg still oozing precious red liquid. His pants were completely torn and frayed around his left shin, slash marks and puncture wounds littering his small calf. He had a few drops of dried blood on his face, his jacket speckled with it as well. His chest huffed with the effort of carrying the wounded cat, but his crystal blue eyes held nothing but stubborn determination. His right arm hurt too, but the big heavy jacket he got from Slade protected his arm from the brunt of the dog attack.

The cat gave an unhappy rumble, its tail flicking its discomfort and distress. The black cat had a mangled leg, chewed on by the vicious dog Dick ever so heroically attacked to save the poor thing. Afterwards, Dick realized this cat was not a 'poor thing', this cat would probably do the same damage as the dog did if it wasn't so incapacitated.

When he first picked up the cat it had hissed at him so much he almost dropped it like it was hot, but he relented and decided that helping the cat was more important than any scratches the cat would give him. Besides, the dog had tried to bite his leg off too, they should be friends.

Dick fumbled as the cat shifted in his arms, it was like the creature became liquid and fell through his arms. The cat landed with a heavy thud, not at all with the grace a feline should have, and limped away quickly and quietly through a hole in a building.

"W-wait..." Dick trudged after the cat, sorrow and pain crossing his face from the loss of his furry little friend. He paused by the hole the cat disappeared into, placing a hand on the eroding wall to help himself catch his breath. The little acrobat looked down to fully survey his wounded leg, he should probably have Slade look at it, it hurt a lot. Slade would be angry, he had gotten himself hurt really bad... Slade usually got upset when he got injured, it took awhile to realize it wasn't anger towards him, but sadness that it happened and that he wasn't there to prevent it.

Slade was funny that way, he really had to pay attention and think things through or else he'll miss what Slade was really trying to say.

Dick was just assessing where he was in relation to Slade's apartment when another thud smacked against the concrete, this one coming from behind him and sounding much more... agile and poised. Dangerous.

Dick whirled around, heart suddenly pounding. His wide, scared blue eyes scanned the dark alley and found a shadow. Two big round red dots floated ominously in the dead space, dread filled his stomach.

He took a step back, only have his back hit the wall. He tried to keep his face void of all fear, Slade had been teaching him how to, but through all his wounds and logical fear of strangers, his face definitely told of his terror.

He started sliding to the side, deciding if the person wasn't going to attack him immediately, he should slip away while he could. He was all too aware of people who would use his fear to further hurt him. Living on the streets those few weeks before Slade made him a quick study, and now with Slade's help, a lot better at judging when to flee and when to fight. Dick supposed attacking people smaller or less fortunate than them made them feel better about themselves, although the little acrobat himself never felt good when he was in the other position, towering over someone who was cowering in fear because of him. The thought alone sent shivers down his spine.

"Aw you poor thing!"

Dick froze in confusion as the figure moved quickly out of the shadows and rushed to help him. Clearly female, she was dressed in all black, she wore some sort of pointy-eared mask over the top of her head and the red orbs were actually goggles. The mask reminded him of Slades alter ego, Deathstroke. He was... he was much more safe than any of the other men he encountered, that's for sure.

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