Chapter 12 -Acting Out-

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Dick was bored. Oh so very bored.

He had nothing to do, and all these superheroes were being super annoying. He wouldn't be surprised if 'annoying' was one of their superpowers. If he had that power he'd be able to give the heroes a piece of his mind.

Dick groaned and threw his head back on the couch he was lazily sitting in.

He was fantasizing about having superpowers. That's how bored he was.

The 'team' of young heroes were sprawled around him, lounging while watching this movie he'd already seen a bunch of times. Don't get him wrong though, The Arrival was a fantastic movie, he just wished he was doing something productive. The Arrival was one of those complex thinker movies, like Interstellar. He enjoyed figuring out the plot and mystery of it all the first few times he watched the movie. But now he knew all the answers and everyone around him were dumb as bricks. Usually he would celebrate for such an achievement, but movie watching was not on his 'to do' list and it felt like a waste of his time.

He was ancy. He needed to do something, something worth doing. Ants were in his pants and he knew only one way to get them out. Of course, he thought bitterly, the heroes would never allow him to actually do anything HE wanted to do. Stupid heroes with their stupid annoying powers.

Kid Flash sat closest to him, the red-head was watching he movie earnestly, as if if he stared any harder the answers would spring out of the screen. Kid Flash? More like Kid Idiot.

Renegade huffed to himself and launched himself over the back of the couch, he needed to do something, anything, other than waste his time like this.

"Where you going?" Kid Flash asked, taking his eyes off the screen for once in the past hour, he hadn't even touched his popcorn that sat in his lap.

"Bathroom." Renegade responded curtly, stalking off to his room with his fists clenched. His destination was certainly not the place he told the speedster.

While passing through the halls a certain door caught the young mercenaries eyes. He smirked. Glancing over his shoulder to see if the heroes were following him (and they weren't), Renegade entered the room.

A storage room, perfect place to gather the right materials.

Renegade got to work going through the many boxes piled in the room, shelves were littered with random tools and dust. Clearly the heroes haven't been in here awhile, but after much searching, his labor finally bore fruit.

The young acrobat couldn't keep the grin off his face. This, this was productive.

He carried his box of goodies with two hands, it was surprisingly heavy but nothing he couldn't handle. He got to his room without much hassle, but he was running low on time, if he was gone for much longer the heroes would get suspicious.

He hated this mission. He had absolutely no desire to open up to the heroes. Last time he tried his world practically fell apart. He did not want to repeat that ever again, especially not willingly. Kid Flash in particular, he had somehow weaseled into trusting him and it made Renegade even more wary of him. Did he actually trust the speedster? He didn't have an answer, and that alone made his stomach crawl. He was afraid he did.

The Dark Knight himself he didn't even want to be near. He had literally broken down and cried on the hero. He had thought he was Slade. It was an insult to Slade more than anything, Slade was much better than Batman ever could be. Batman was not Slade, nor would be ever come close.

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