Kiss on the Beach

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Requested by @EdgySmolBean :)

You just came home from a whole other day of work. You left at 3am and came home at 11:30pm.

You've been working nonstop hours for the past couple weeks and you were drained, so all you wanted to do now was get home and take a long bath, and spend time with your boyfriend Joe.

During this time, Joe has grown suspicious as to why you were gone all the time. He loved you so much, and you were the only light in his life right now, his number 1 priority. And he couldn't help but wonder where you really were. Maybe with another guy.

You unlocked the door to the house you both shared and walked inside, tossing your bag to the side, along with you keys.

You slipped off your shoes sighing from relief as your feet were free. You shuffle deeper into the house to see Joe sitting on the couch, with his head down.

You furrowed your brows and walked over to him, "hi baby, you okay?" You asked lowering down in front of him. He raised his head up and looked at you emotionless.

"Oh hi." He mumbled, standing up and walking to the bedroom. Your eyebrows knitted together from confusion, what was wrong with him? Why was he mad at you.

You slowly stood up and walked to the bedroom as well, "Did I do something?" You asked as you walked into the bedroom, heading to the bed and sitting on your knees on top of your bed.

"Y/N I'm just gonna be straight with you, please be honest because I love you." Joe said turning around to face you, your face read confusion, as you stared into those beautiful light brown eyes of his.

He continued "Are you seeing someone else?" He asked, concern in his voice.

You tilted your head to side, where the hell did he get an idea like that from.

"Where the hell is this coming from Joe?" You asked standing up from the bed, as he was right across on the other side.

He sighed and shook his head "Just answer me Y/N please. Are you seeing someone else?"

"N-No I'm not." You said, hurt to think about hurting Joe.

"Don't lie to me please." Joe pleaded softly hanging his head down.

You scoffed and took a step back, "Lie?! What do I have to lie about, Joe I love you. So much. What makes you think I'd be seeing someone else."

He looked up at you, "Y/N you're so beautiful, any guy would kill to be with you. And you're gone the whole day, spending only 2 hours with me and you sleep for those two hours only to leave again."

You groaned and ran your fingers through your hair agitated, "Joe I don't need this right now, today has been stressful enough, I don't need anything else to stack up on that."

Joe rolled his eyes, "Stressful?! What's stressful? Sleeping with someone else?!"

You looked up at him, anger and pain taking over your body.

You turned around and stormed out of the room, and going down the hall. You went to the front door and slipped on your shoes, you put on a random hoodie and opened the door, slamming it shut on your way out and walking down the sidewalk.

You walked to the beach that was 5 blocks down.

You sighed at the empty dark beach, and slipped off your shoes, holding them and walking onto the cool sand. You walked to the edge of the water, as a small tide came up to your feet.

The beach was your comfort zone. The waves, the soft sand, the sparkle from the water. It all just calmed you.

And you needed that right now. You sat down on the sand and sighed. Feeling tears slowly well up in your eyes.

You loved Joe so much, and wouldn't even think about dating someone else, or leave him.
He was your rock, your true love, your happy place.

A tear ran down your cheek, as you heard a car pull up, you thought nothing of it, maybe it was just someone to do some late night fishing, or swimming.

You hear the car door close, and you sighed seeing the little sparkles in the water from the moon.

You hear footsteps come closer to you and then you hear his voice, "Y/N." You hear Joe say, his voice on the brink of breaking down.

You said nothing, never taking your eyes off the water. Joe sat down next to you and brought his legs up and placed his arms over his legs. "I'm sorry, I'm a dumbass I know. I just don't want to loose you. I need you right now."

You blinked and looked down, wiping the tear that was running down your cheek.

"Joe that really hurt me. I love you so much, and for you to think I'm with someone else too. It hurt me." You said softly playing with the sand below your hands.

Joe sighed and rubbed his face with his hands. "I'm sorry." He said, his voice cracking. "I'm sorry for thinking that you cheated, I trust you Y/N I do. But you've been gone so much and I was just left overthinking."

You sighed and placed a hand over his own, "it's okay." You mumbled softly, grabbing a hold of his hand, he sighed softly and placed a soft, shaky kiss on your hand. "I love you, I really do."

A smile grew on your lips, "I know, I love you too."

He turned to you and placed a soft kiss on your lips.

You smiled in the kiss and pulled away, looking out into the ocean and laid your head on Joe's head.

You both loved each other so much.

I hope this was good enough JAJSJS

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