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kody's pov 

I can here counting.whys lumine counting?

ik stands for inner kody. k stands for kody

k. whats going on over there

ik. turn around if you want to know

k. then he'll know im awake 

ik. your scared to. you just said you wanted to know what hes doing

k. not that bad.....

ik lame.

k. but-

ik what you think hes jerking off?

k {blushes madly} no hes not why would lumine do something so........ 

third pov

kody drifted off becuz of his thoughts now everyone is asleep but silver and lumine plus aiden {he has paper work to do/ hes really drawing a unicorn}  lumine limped down satirs he gronaed and grunted at the pain when he reached the last step he sliped on his blood. his shouder hit the groung cuaseing it to become dislocated. lumine was becomeing nummer by the second his eyes began to scan the room he was on the second floor adiens office was on the far left he muffeld his gronas with his long sleeve in the proccess getting his sleeve wet and makeing the wounds sting but he could bearly feel it anymore . hes legs act like the ran 20 miles when his real walked to the second floor. he began to feel like he was gonna pass out like he did when he ran away from kody.... He quickly shuck that feeling off when he herd foot steps coming up from the 1st floor to the 2st floor. he quickly dashed and turned into his pupper froum witch caused blues light to flash in the process he ran under a dresser. "what was that noise i could of sworn i herd something or maybe sherry was right i sould start getting alot more sleep" the voice siad {silver i thought he was asleep} lumine thought to himself he herd foot steps going back down stairs. lumine crawled out his tiny space before dashing to his room. he flooped on his bed before pulling up the sheets and before he knew it he passed out from blood loss



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