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Lumine shacked him to death but slapped him back to life "wake up lazura " lumine said before glaring at Lazuarus "fine I guess we could leave you down at grandpas why we go t-" when.lumine opened his eye Lazuarus was dressed and his stuff was packed. His phone rang in his pocket

Km:hey Miley is turning 16 today wanna help me set up here party.

A classmate. Lazuarus glared at the the text before deleting whoever that was

Lumine helped Kody put the bags in the car "wait lumine stop" "Kody well be fine plus you do have alto to put in" lumine said getting Kody focus off his baby bump and on him "lumine your 8 mouths pregnant-" lumine glared at him but Kody glared back and the original glare won lumine sat in the hot car holding his ears down in shame

Lumine outfit Kody chose from the store lol

Lumine outfit Kody chose from the store lol

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He let his hair grow bit to

He let his hair grow bit to

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But the in his face

Kody grabbed the last bag and put it in with a cost of not letting anyone help him he lost his ring "shitshitshitshitshit SHIT " Lumine looked at Kody"huh what's happened?" "lost my ring wait a sec ok" Lumine looked back out the window humming a ton rubbing his bump as Kody cursed in the background

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