daddy's ugly when he cry's chp.13

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Lumine had been having unexpected kicks alot more so be thought he might be having triplets. Lumine and Kody were at the time of the pregnancy were they had to find names for if its a girl or boy or both of more it really had Lumine stressed. Lumine had been getting more stressed by the day. Kody quickly noticed this and had Lumine stop working so hard. But Lumine didn't want to stop whose gonna clean that spot behind the frigorator or that spot spot in between the door and its hinges that small little spot. He was working himself out. It want good for the baby. Kody pov. Lumine was doings daily clean and I wad currently talking to sherry. (THUD) a big sound was herd from the kitchen and my fist thought was (Lumine) me and sherry ran into the kitchen were Lumine was. He was on the ground his arms around his stomach his grip tightened as he cried out "Lumine what wrong what happened?!!" I said as I ran to him and was now at his side "I-ITS COMEING!!!!" Lumine screamed out one of his hands griping onto mine sherry told me to get towels pillows water and blankets. I nodded before rushing to get the items. When I came back Lumine and sherry was gone. Sherry must have taken home to the guest room. I ran to the room and herd Lumine loud panting before I saw dad and silver run up. Sherry opened the door and told me to out the items on the table I rushed over to Lumines side and grabbed onto his hand with both of mine. Sherry put everything in place "Lumine push! Sherry ordered Lumine followed orders. H. Time skip half an hour later Lumines pov. I felt my self going numb and the sounds became only a faint blur my eye sight started to fail me "Lu___e _ust _ ___ more ___ p__s dam __!" a faint voice said. I just want to sleep. I felt my heart giving up on be as I pushed and my heart completely stopped the last thing I herd were the cries of something. I just wanna sleep... My eyes flushed open as I remembered my eyes made there way to sherry who was holding a small baby. I felt my eyes water and my face getting red "Its a boy" sherry said softly. I felt hot tears stream down my face as sherry gave me the baby it grabbed onto my finger and sucked on it. I could hear Kody silent tears and looked up to see Kody looking at me with tears streaming down his face "Kody your crying" I said "shut up" he said turning the other way "wanna hold him" I said nudging

his arm.

Baby's pov

Daddy's ughly when he crys.

Lumines pov

The baby had red hair and no ears and that's when I caught a glance of his eyes his right on was green. And his left was blue green and pink. I was about to rub his red hair before I had a sharp pain in my stomach as u felt a hard kick
Twins!!!!????? OH COME ON

:-! Your welcome readerchans see you soon. Aquarius.

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