Breaking the Chains - Chapter 01

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WARNING!  Extreme violence and gore.  

PS: Main character is a hardass and there is cussing in this series.

Chains rattled as the ancient vampire took a tired step forward.  The end of the chains he held firmly in his grasp disappeared into the shadows of the room.  With a firm yank, the chains pulled what they were attached to out of the shadows to bask in the candle light. 

A girl of about eighteen stumbled forward to land on her hands and knees in front of the old man.  Long locks of golden hair covered her face from the critical eyes of the older vampire.  When she lifted her face, eyes the color of arctic ice glared up at the slightly glassed over eyes of the man.  She was slim and fit.  Muscles rippled under her slightly tanned skin as she stood upright.  The girl was tall for her age, almost as tall as the fully grown man.  The chains connected to a pure silver collar that was irritating her flawless skin. 

“Don’t look at me like that.”  The man cooed as he began to shuffle his way towards an ancient wooden door.  The shards of ice in her eyes transformed into fire momentarily before she received another impatient yank from the chains.  The man, Ambrogio Botti, opened the door slowly to reveal three chairs, two of which were occupied.  “Sorry I'm late.”  Ambrogio flashed his teeth with a grunt as he approached the empty chair. 

Ambrogio was the leader of the biggest coven in Europe.  The coven amounted to a total of over thirty vampires.  The three vampires that rested their old bums in the chairs were considered the “royalty” of the vampire world.  No one dared to oppose them, within their race, due to the size of the coven. 

“You’re always running late.”  George, the British vampire to his left, snorted with a frown at the girl. 

“Not new news.”  Adolf, the German vampire to his right, chortled after taking a long gulp of a beer he had next to him.  (Not to be stereotypical.  And don’t get mad about the name.  Adolf was one of the most popular names before Hitler.) 

“Your Highnesses.”  A younger vampire drew their attention from across the room in front of a pair of double doors that appeared to be made out of solid wood. 

“What is it?”  George growled out in annoyance. 

“The first set is here.”  The girl, Sasha, sat down in front of Ambrogio and sighed.  

If there was one thing she hated, it was hearing and trials.  There were generally ten to twenty vampires that would be brought into the “throne room” to have their case heard, and that was just for one set.  Over all, there were probably four sets per day that the old vampires were willing to listen to.  The cases varied from disputed territories to arranged marriages to violation of vampire law to applications to create covens. 

It was the duty of the three vampires behind her to keep the vampire world in order. 

Sasha sighed in annoyance as she gazed upon the first set of vampires with mild disinterest.  Vampire problems were all the same, just like human problems. 

Her thoughts drifted to those of her best friend, Charlotte. 

Charlotte was three years younger, at least in appearance.  In reality, Charlotte was roughly forty years younger than Sasha, a small age difference for their species.  The younger girl was still growing and had yet to grow accustomed to her changing body.  She had slightly darker blue eyes and her hair was cut shorter in a bob so that she wouldn’t have to be bathed regularly. 

Overall, the two sisters looked very similar. 

“Sasha.”  Ambrogio yanked the girl out of her fond thoughts of her younger sister with a sharp tug on the chains.  Once he saw he had her attention, he stood up and stretched slowly.  George and Adolf had already left the room to go and search for a snack.  “Come, it is time we went on a walk.”  The Italian vampire’s smooth words fell on deaf ears.  “Thinking about your sister again?”  He broke a long silence as they strolled leisurely down the winding halls of their underground castle.  “You haven’t seen her in a while, have you?” 

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