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"So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your rover!" Shouted Theresa as she danced in the club, and sang the song that was being played as I chuckled lightly as she danced with her boyfriend of 3 years. 

"Come on, let's dance." Said Dante and I raised my eyebrow at him, he grabbed my hand and pulled me up into the middle of the dance floor and I rolled my eyes as I wrapped my arms around his neck and swayed with him. 

"This is the first time I've been happy since two months ago." I whispered, and he nudged me smiling. 

"I'm glad, Please write anonymously to him." He whispered, and I nodded before kissing his cheek lightly. 

"I'm going to head home." I said to him and he nodded before letting me go. I smiled at him and grabbed my bag off of my chair.


Derek's POV

I looked over the letter I had received this morning in the mail, I squinted my eyebrows because it wasn't hand written and I couldn't get Garcia to get a proper analysis done on it since it was typed on the computer, "What's this?" Asked a perky voice and the paper was ripped out of my hands. 

"Oh some girl flirting with my innocent chocolate thunder. AND professing their love for you, sounds like a stalker." Garcia said sitting down next to me in the conference room and I raised my eyebrow at her.

"It's probably nothing babygirl." I mustered.

"What's nothing?" Asked Reid as he and the team came into the conference room. 

"It's not-" I was about to say when Garcia cut me off. 

"Derek got a love letter," She squeaked and I rolled my eyes as JJ and Prentiss snorted.

"Probably one of his one night stands hoping to get back with him," Prentiss said. 

"Amen sister," JJ agreed and I narrowed my eyes at the two women that were now laughing so hard you can see tears coming out of their eyes.

"So which one is it?" Asked Hotch and I shrugged my shoulders.

"He has had to many to count, Maybe if he had an eidetic memory like Reids he could remember." Rossi muttered and I narrowed my eyes at him, in the end he put his hands up in a playful surrender. 

"I really want to go out tonight, my head has been stuck on Ash. Talking about her, Any location yet Garcia?" Asked Emily and Garcia sighed, and pulled here laptop up to the front to show it on the projector. 

"There's still 12 more to go, I might be able to get it to you in a couple weeks if we don't have cases, if we do it might take longer." She said and we all groaned apart from Hotch, which was weird. 

Ash's POV

"Hey, You okay?" Asked Dante as he entered out apartment after last night we hadn't really talked to one another, not that we had an argument just he had a really bad hangover and I didn't want to make it worse. 

"Peachy," I muttered before turning around and rubbing my heads in my hands, Dante snorted as he placed one of his hands on my lower back and kissed my temple before heading to his room while I stood up and pulled tape around my hands. 

I walked over to the punching bag in the corner of my room and punched it hard, making it go flying back. I normally get my excess anger off here and it just helps me calm down espically when I'm nervous as well. 

"Fuck," I cursed when I heard someone knock on my door, I switched off my music as I walked to the door and opened it, there in front of me stood a box. I looked around before taking it into the apartment and opened it. 

Once I saw what was in it, I let it drop to the ground my mouth hanging open as I picked up the letter. He's out, he managed to escape. I felt tears reach the brim of my eyes as I fell against the wall. Dante rushed out of his room, he saw me on the floor and picked up the letter before dropping down beside me and hugging me tightly. 

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