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was the temperature of the saltwater spraying like little pricks of ice against my skin.
My legs, cross-legged on a rock that the ocean has been shaping close to the beginning of time.
My hands, rested on my knees, relaxed in a cup-shaped form. Taking in the calm yet violent waves.
I wore a loose blue tank that flowed violently with the wind and sea spray that fell like hail from the sky.
My bare legs shivered slightly at the cold, but I knew better than to stand up and walk away.
A loud crash sounded and vibrated through the rock I was sitting on. I felt it,
There was a new tide
The water fell on top of me like a waterfall. It wanted to pull me in, coax me at first. Before it became violent and wanted to drag me into the destructive waters.
I however stood firm, like a tree rooted to the rock I had made my home.
I couldn't feel anything but the water dripping from my face, and down onto my shoulders that shivered every now and then.
It was the brisk numbness that traveled like a cold.
I opened my eyes, my hair falling straight down with little clear liquid droplets trickling like a leaky faucet.

I blinked a few times as the saltwater droplets fell on my lashes. Causing my sight to blur the dismal colors of the dark morning sky.
I noticed another wave ready to strike through my blurred vision.
I glared at it, displaying no fear. I wouldn't let the 13-foot wave startle me, or make me want to leave. I must face it, like a tree rooted to this rock.
However, my gut told me to not risk it and run. I would get sucked into the ocean and never be seen or heard of again.
My mind persisted, screaming at the other opinion of staying on this rock.
Both continued to argue in my mind. Shouting for me to run away, or to stay. I found running to be cowardly, and I couldn't run anyway.
I had to overcome my fear of crashing into the rocks and likely banging my head open and bleeding to death.
As the wave fell, the water pulled me back with so much force I felt my palm scrape the rough surface of the rock.
I took a breath as I recovered from the shock of being pulled back.
I looked down at my palm as the wave receded back into the dark navy sea, a thick red liquid oozed out of the gash in my hand.

From what I could tell, it was pretty deep. Despite the deep wound, it would heal eventually in the span of time.
I rubbed my finger over the wound and it stung slightly, but the red oozing liquid caused my mind to flash.
Blood, dripping from my hand, then my mind drifting away from the waves and into the war.
I was stupid to think I was going to win.
Everyone I knew around me was corrupted, fighting for something that wasn't obtainable.
They worked with the monsters that had tried to kill us.
For their bloodlust, hunger, and vengeful hate.
Which I too once had. That monster, my monster. The monster that lives inside of me is still present.
I can't get rid of it, I can't destroy it, I can't even talk to it.
I remember I had bloodlust, anger, and hatred as I attacked my kin.
Sons and Daughters of the gods, my brethren, family.
I injured many, with my sword in hand. I was completely taken over, only red in my vision, until.
I was attacked from behind,
I could see the swing a mile away, I readily dodged it.
I was about to strike my sword through the person's gut, but I hesitated.
I don't remember what this person looked like, but I knew he was a boy.
He had this thing in his eyes, he didn't want to hit me with his sword. He didn't want to fight me.
We stood there, our swords down, I felt my monster start to disappear with the wind that wept around us.

I could still feel the grime and blood that stuck to my face. I touched my face and looked at my hand, blood like a dark withered rose.
Everything around me slowed and soon I realized what I had done.
I dropped my sword. I was only fourteen at the time.
I remembered looking down at my grime-covered hands again. I was shaking, my arms crossed over myself, feeling the urge to throw up as I finally gained my morality.
Pandora's box finally closed.
My hair blew over my shoulder as if it was speaking to me saying, "now you know."
All I could remember thinking was 'what have I done' over and over in my head. I was completely traumatized.
Then something else happened, it was always fuzzy but now it seemed clearer. I remembered seeing another boy. He had the same bloodlust in his eyes, anger, and hatred. He was just as lost as I once was. His sword was gleaming with shiny red metal, which were likely stains.
He charged at the boy who came against me. The boy didn't seem to notice faster than I did.
Then I remembered picking myself up and my sword finding something else to do than shrivel up on the floor.
I blocked the attempted strike, my feet sliding across the ground. My sword interlocking with the opposer.
I remembered his mouth moving, saying something to me. A snarl on his face, I managed to push his sword off and I stood protectively in front of the boy behind me. Despite my fatigue.
The boy behind me stood stunned, but the same curiosity in his eyes.
He was suspicious, his grip on his sword was tighter.
All I remember was what I said, and did. I looked at my sword. "I'm done, with this war," I remember.
"We have to stop fighting each other, whether we hate the gods or not, this vengeance won't get me anywhere and neither will it you,"
I threw my sword to the ground and it clattered away.
"I'm done with fighting and you should be too,"
Then everything from that point was blank. Darkness was all I remembered.
I snapped back to reality and there were no more waves left to challenge me and the ocean was calm.
There wasn't any violence left there so I stood up. Looking up at the sky. It was almost noon so, I decided it was about time.
I turned and climbed down from the rocks. Leaving my little meditating session.
I slid down the last rock and onto the soft white sand.

I went over to my backpack and sandals that I left hidden behind a bush and grabbed them.
I walked over to the nearest bathroom and changed out of my soaking wet clothes and put them in a plastic bag, then pulled on a loose T-shirt and denim shorts.

Finally I pulled out my zip-up hoodie and slid my arms through the sleeves. Pulling the hood over my head, I stuffed the plastic bag in the backpack and slid into my sandals.

When that was done I pulled out a journal and pen, holding onto them as I walked out of the stall.

I casually walked out fidgeting with the necklace wrapped around my wrist as I thought about what I'd write down.
Until I was writing in the journal, as I walked down the busy streets.
People were walking past me slightly glancing with a look of disgust or confusion.
I wrote down what I found in my memories, that I didn't want to forget. How that boy's look made the monster inside disappear. He didn't look at me with hate and disgust.
Instead, he looked at me as if he was forced to fight me, I couldn't find the word, sympathy?
I soon felt myself bump into someone's shoulder, on instinct I closed my journal. I turned to see who bumped into me.
However, that person, whoever it was; was gone. I accidentally dropped my pen as that person collided with my shoulder so I picked it up and looked back.
Searching through the crowds of people to maybe spot whoever bumped into me to figure out if it was a friend or foe.
Lucky for me however, I wasn't able to see who it was, so I continued to walk on, with a more clear destination in my head. I knew something; Something they didn't. I need to get to the Camp.


Heyo! The story has finally started. This as you probably already know is a Percy Jackson Fanfiction and yes if I'm writing one it probably means I'm a HUGE fan of the books. Also, I'll try and post as many chapters as I can, but for now, I have the Prologue ready for you!

And I can't forget but I have to mention, without this certain person's help with the story, I wouldn't have even gotten the idea of writing it. So thank you kalisolace77 for writing it with me.

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