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He managed to turn himself around as the girl slashed the water with such speed it almost looked like she was swinging her blade on a chain.
Then when she was swinging her sword, one of the monsters jumped out of the water at her.

She did one of the coolest moves he'd seen ever. The girl with the threw her sword in the air spinning. Then she rolled under the monsters jump attack.
As soon as she touched the water once she rolled under the weird creature she stood up water flying off of her colored hair in a shimmering wave like shape. Then catching her sword, and stabbing the monster through its back.

The sun was glinting in her background, and it made her hair almost seem a dark but warm turquoise. The water rushed at him again, and he felt a hand on his foot and started to drag him in.

"You've got to be kidding me," he muttered with a slight yelp as he reached for his rapier and stabbed the sand randomly. He couldn't think of where these weird sea monsters would reappear since the water, sand, and thrill of it all was making him lose focus on the numbers and logic and calculation of fighting and strategy.

He then felt another biting pain and shouted out. Grimacing, he could feel more liquid oozing out of his legs, and were beginning to feel numb of pain and function.

There was a battle cry as the girl Noah spotted was running towards him. He got a better look at her she had piercing water blue eyes and a very skinny figure. She was very tan as well, and her skin was clear of burns and acne. She was definitely a demigod. Her face had a mean look to it, but a slight kindness behind it.

She jumped to the side and another one of the creatures jumped at her and she tossed her sword into her right hand and spun like a helicopter blade. Slicing the creature in half.

Then she stabbed the water and the grip on Noah's foot loosened and soon wasn't there.
The girl then pulled up her blade and wiped the liquids off her sword with the jacket that was tied around her waist.

Since Noah was just sitting there looking at the girl, he noticed she was very fit, and her legs were built like a runners. Her arms were built a little as well, however they were nothing compared to her legs.

She was wearing torn up hiking boots that were wet, along with her hair and the back of her teal blue shirt that was darker and now attached to her skin.

Once he studied her, he noticed there wasn't even a bead of sweat on her face. She wasn't tired, well she didn't look tired. The girl just wrapped a bit of chain around her wrist and came up to Noah not even phased by anything she just did.

This girl was beyond savage, and Noah's savior. He thanked the gods she did, save him at least.

The blue haired girl sighed as the wave receded relief flooding her face and she pushed some of her hair out of her face while Noah was sitting there not knowing what to say.

He could see her expression relax, as her shoulders slumped down but her posture was on high alert.

She turned towards Noah and he stiffened a little as she walked towards him. Her feet made crunching sounds against the sand. She too had a backpack, it wasn't like Noah's. It was smaller in a sense but it seemed as if it was about to burst from overload.

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