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A boy was sitting on the shore of a beach in New York off of Long Island, he knew the bus was going to come back around quarter till 4:00. When he was supposed to get back. Before sundown, shadows aren't the best things for people such as himself. Right now the sun was still pretty high up, which signaled to Noah it was about 2:30.

He sat there watching and recording wave heights, 11 and another 11. Then a big one started to roll in averaging about 35 feet, it was starting to cut off a cloud in the distance, he recorded it. Until he noticed a growing shadow, that had started to appear on the sand.

He sat up resting his arm on his knee, as he held his note pad and pen by his side. His hand came up to his eyes, shielding the refracted sun rays from hitting his eyes directly. He squinted at the wave as he noticed figures in the ocean.

He set down his notes on the sand and watched as the wave started to become more of a shadow against the shore.

"Bless Poseidon," he muttered as a very underestimated, 35-foot wave was actually 70 feet tall, and looming over Noah like a big bully, except worse, way worse.

The wave only grew bigger as it neared the shore not crashing. Noah's eyes widedend with fear of 'how much power exactly is built in this wave?'

Inside he somehow already knew, that it was enough to crush all of the bones in his body which terrified him even more.

The wave was starting to cut off the sun from his view, he really wished Percy was here, he could just control the stupidly high wave and break it. Sadly he wasn't there, and Noah could only try to fight his inner fear of running for his life, to be brave for once.

He hated the ocean, and the waves, especially. They terrified him, the fact that they contained the power of being punched in the face or worse gave him the chills.

Now that the wave was even closer and not so far off in the distance. Noah could somewhat make out figures in the waves and they had scale-ish skin with fins on their arms and legs maybe webbed feet, but their faces were covered in murk. He couldn't outline the details correctly until he could spot the glowing green aura around the murk. He could then spot the pupils of the eyes that were cat-like but softer at the edges that we're glowing an Erie green.

However, before he could get a better look the wave crashed down, near the mid-current line. He could hear it from where he was sitting, a loud almost thundering boom as the whitewashed water rushed towards his towel which, luckily, he managed to pick up along with his backpack and notebook unscathed.

He stumbled as the water pushed him back with the force of a very powerful fan. It was cold, maybe 56 degrees Fahrenheit. He felt tempted to quickly jump out of the water and onto the sand, not liking the wet coldness of it.
Thankfully the wave lost most of its energy as it lapped against his legs. The water releasing the rest of its energy, and slightly receding back into the cerulean sea

He stuffed everything in his backpack quickly not caring for accidentally damaging some things, because he doesn't really have time to organize. After quickly zipping it up and pulling it over his shoulders. He scanned the water for fins or dark scales like he saw before, but nothing popped up.

Noah tried to move his foot but he felt a firm grip against it. He then panicked, yanking his foot up and finding clawed bloodied skin. His shoes didn't get an exception, which sucked for him. Since they were comfortable.

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