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"What the heck is she doing?!" The boy shouted as now Astrid and the boy were both looking out the window along with Noah.
Astrid was silent as the wind whipped her hair back while she was watching Paris run towards the on coming army of monsters, wherever they came from.

"She's going to be killed," Noah muttered, as she was almost a quarter of the way there.

He noticed Percy had spotted her, and was utterly confused as she was running the opposite direction he was running in.

He was waving his arms maniacally telling her to run the other way, or trying to signal with his expression 'what the heck are you doing? You shouldn't be running towards an army of monsters!', she seemed to barely think of it, from what it looked like.

Then during the chaos Astrid unexpectedly slid through the window, with her dagger completely unsheathed. Which shocked Noah since she normally didn't unsheathe it. However Noah didn't have time to think about it, since he couldn't let Astrid run after Paris, it would be suicide for both of them. Noah was only barely able to stop her, "no, get back on the bus Astrid," he mentioned and the other guy that was there with them grabbed another one of her arms pulling her back on the bus. She thankfully didn't try to kick their butts for grabbing her which was a relief.
Astrid heaved a sigh as she was back in her seat, she sat there the hint of worry in her endless forest green eyes. She looked at Noah telling him the one outcome that Noah very well knew but didn't want to accept. He looked again and the monsters were way closer than last time confirming his prediction, Percy was running slower than before.

Noah squinted at him and noticed he had an injury. On his upper arm. It was bleeding, "holy Apollo," Noah muttered, as he realized why she ran towards him.
He was injured just like Noah was, except in his condition when he was about to be torn apart by the monsters of the sea. She must've noticed it from afar and did something about it giving him time to get up off the sand.
He wouldn't be able to make it unless Paris held them off for a little while.

However, it was the same outcomes, she might end up injuring herself. Then the monsters would be able to get to her and kill her. That would be a great story for Astrid and the guy with him to tell how Noah let a new girl die, although Noah knowing Astrid, she probably wouldn't rat him out like that.
He sighed knowing that they were likely going to die, either way but if they all went out to fight they'd have a slim chance of surviving. Mostly. "We need to help her," he mentioned standing and testing his legs. "I can't because it would be the same as saving two people, I need you two to go and help her, while I'll help with Percy's injuries." Noah explained and Astrid nodded already sliding out of the bus, with a slight nod towards Noah, and she started to run towards the girl who was close to Percy now. Unsheathing her dagger and rolling it in her hand.
"Just so you know," the guy mentioned, as he was about to slide through the bars of the bus "this is because I want to, it's not because you ordered me capiesh?" He mentioned and Noah nodded as he used one hand to slide out of the bus and run after Astrid who was running after Paris, who was running after Percy, while Percy was running for his life and was running towards Paris.

Noah noticed he was going to give himself a headache at this rate so he just completely ignored that matter entirely.

He watched as Paris was so close to Percy now and then saw a sword sharper than his rapier swing right at Percy's back. Noah felt like he was watching a football game with the intensity of that moment, but then as fast as lightning, no faster, Paris blocked the attack, her golden sword fully grown. Noah noticed that they seemed to be talking along the lines of. "What are you doing get out of here!" Percy probably shouted, while Paris didn't seem listen to him, or ignored the statement entirely. "Keep running, I'll hold them off," she mentioned in a serious tone as she seemed to kill a few.

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