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"That was some stunt you pulled," Paris was snapped back to reality as a boy with sea green eyes and dark brown hair was holding his hand out to her to climb onto the boat after Nico and Clarisse, who of course did not accept any help, but they already got on.

She nodded still in thought, and as she got up and slipped off her board and handed it to the guy which he wasn't really expecting, along with Clarisse's and Nico's.
She was drenched and she really didn't care since she already got wet when the wave completely wiped her out. "Here," The boy held his hand out to her. She grabbed it and he pulled her out of the water.

"How's your wound?" Nico mentioned as Paris stepped into the boat. She looked at her hip, and lifted her shirt to see the bandages were covered in a little blood, but when she looked underneath it. There was no wound at all.

"It's not there," she muttered and looked back at the sea. Her eyes held confusion. Until she remembered what happened and why she was running from the army of monsters. "Where's-" She asked suddenly, but she felt a tap on her arm. Surprisingly Noah was right behind her. "I'm ok, a little ambrosia did the trick earlier," he mentioned and Paris sighed quietly in relief.

"So what exactly happened?" The guy asked that was on the bus with them, he was looking at Paris and Clarisse, and apparently to scared to look at Nico for an explanation.

However, Clarisse and Nico did most of the talking and explaining. While Paris was just staring out at the sea and watching the small waves lap against the boat as it left a trail of white wash.

"We found Paris down a hill next to a stream. She had a wound on her hip, it missed her bone but it did cut enough to be worrisome, and then the weirdest thing happened-" Paris snapped back to the conversation listening while still looking out at the ocean.

"Little streams of water started to appear around her, it healed most of the wound." Clarisse mentioned and Nico finished, "then the water turned into normal water again and spread out on the floor like a puddle." He finished and it caused Paris to think, as she sat up and looked at her hip. Unwrapping the bandages and found that they were slightly soaked in blood like before. However it was drying now.

They continued talking as Paris examined her wound. Her skin was slightly pale from the cold of the water. She only saw the slight scar of where the wound should've been. She touched it feeling for any pain but she got nothing.

Something didn't seem right to her as she continued to stare blankly at the ocean. "What was that voice I heard," Paris muttered quietly, as she felt a strong sea breeze blow her wet hair behind her.

"We're going to have to tell Chiron about this," the other guy that was with them mentioned and Paris turned towards them recognizing the name as they were nodding. "The last ones to enter Camp Half Blood and survive were you two," He mentioned pointing to Noah and Astrid. "Then Paris makes it, but no claim like Astrid and I," Noah mentioned and Astrid didn't speak but looked at Noah then the group closing her eyes then bowing her head slightly, nodding in agreement.

"Seems a bit fishy if you asked me," The boy with the green eyes mentioned and Paris looked at him curiously noticing there was a trident bead on his necklace that was like everyone else's. However it looked like he had the most of the ones that were, decorative, like one with the Golden Fleece like the girl Clarisse had as well.

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