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She had a million thoughts on her mind, she couldn't quite keep them straight.

She could start to feel her heart trying to break out of its cage.
What she was about to do was completely stupid, but it was the only way to buy time and she knew it.

She also knew the monsters were always drawn to her for some reason. They always found her in the deepest darkest places. Where even the gods couldn't even find her.
It was annoying, but she thought this time, she can use it to her advantage. However, it was a huge risk, that she was willing to take.

She hung her necklace down on her wrist and slung it out as it grew in the chain and the sword and into her hand.

She closed her eyes for a second, her foot tapped a little. As the breeze from the sea, hit her. She knew where she would take the monsters as soon as the breeze blew up her long navy colored hair. She opened her eyes facing the menacing monsters and threw out her sword with the thin silver chain still wrapped around her wrist.

The sword followed Paris's movements, as she moved with the chain. She cleared a path through the monsters, and wrapped the chain around one.
She dragged it to the back of the street they came from. Then probably did the most stupidest thing she could've done.

"Hey monster brains!" She shouted which managed to catch all of their attention. The monster was still squirming beneath her. She grabbed her sword as the monsters watched. She let go of the chain and released the monster but swung her sword back around and sliced off his head.
There was too long of a silence as the monster turned into golden dust. Paris didn't like this as she pulled up her sword by the chain.

"Gods give me strength," Paris whispered, as she started backing up. She was worried, her eyes showed it. Plus the thoughts of how this could all go wrong.
Finally the monsters gained faces of rage and blindly raced toward her. Once enough started running at her. She started to run turning her sword back into a necklace and wrapping the excess chain around her wrist.
She didn't look back, she kept running leading on the monsters.
She was breathing rapidly, and her legs were starting to burn, but she pushed herself onward.

She was taking the detour route to her destination. Running past streets and turning corners, with an army of monsters trailing behind her.
Her lungs felt as if blood was going to end up being coughed up. She continued to run, feeling the adrenaline pump through her lungs.

The monsters screeches could be heard behind her and getting louder. She was starting to loose hope that she wouldn't live after this. Her new found acquaintances probably thought the same.

She almost stopped until just above her vision cut off she saw the sun hovering over the ocean. She felt her feet start to pick up the pace as she saw the waves gain in strength and release it all onto the sand.

She could feel the water droplets start to brush against her face. She smiled a little at the sensation. Which was ruined when, she felt a sharp pain in her hip. She collapsed right at the point where she was supposed to turn before she fell down a sand covered hill with a murky stream at the bottom.
She landed a little ways from the stream. Gasping, and reeking of sweat. She tried to get up but she cried out in pain, as she slammed back down onto the ground.

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