2-her problem

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Hey! Me again. I just can't wait til tomorrow to write another chapter.
I'm just so excited about this story!!


It's been a couple of months since school started and the Halloween bash is coming up.
Danny has been pushing her own family away and I think I know why.

Gene and the shadow knights had been rude to her. I slipped on my uniform and ate some cereal then ran out the door with a angry face on.

Zenix slid next to me as I slammed my locker closed. Sasha flicked my f/c bow in my hair and I pushed her off. "Where is gene?" I asked,clearly pissed. Zenix put his hands up and rushed away.

Sasha did the same and I chased after them. I stayed beside a a wall and watched them with gene.

Zenix panted "She. She is mad,gene!"
"Please fix it!" Sasha said and gene chuckled. "Why would she be mad" gene asked

Danny walked by that hall that they were standing in and zenix took her collar.
"W-what do you want n-now?" Danny asked tears coming to her eyes.

"Aww is she gonna cry?" Sasha said.
"L-l-l-leave m-e alone!" Danny stuttered,her brown hair sticking to her tear stained face.

Gene pulled up his phone showing her a picture of Danny and my boyfriend kissing. I gasped but closed my mouth in time. Tears formed at my eyes and I stayed quiet to see what gene wanted with her.

"Since your big sissy won't skip with us."gene started "you come with us and we don't show this to y/n"gene finished. Danny pushed Zenix away "You wouldn't!" She said,her eyes widened in shock.

I couldn't take it anymore,with tears streaming down my face I stepped out of hiding making all of them turn to me. "Danny!? Is it true?" I asked slowly trying to stay calm. Danny looked down and I turned to gene.

Bell rings

Danny scampered off quickly to her class and Sasha pushed me into gene "whoops!" She said. I fell into gene and I was on top of him. He had a light pink blush. I smacked his face and stood up. "How dare you! What is the matter with you three?" I asked hot tears still streaming down.

Second bell rings

Gene stood up and grabbed his cheek.
"Nothing is wrong with us!"Zenix hissed.
"This is who we are!"Sasha added.
"Miss y/ln! Detention! And you three detention" principal Layla said. I looked at her and nodded "y-yes mam" I said and Sasha glared at me "goodie two shoes" she said and stomped off "how can anyone like you? Especially gene" Zenix hissed and followed Sasha. Gene looked at me and I walked off to detention.

I sat in a chair and put my head on the desk.
Gene walked in and sat near me but not next to me.

A knock on the door made me look up. It was him. That cheating son of a-
"What are you doing here?" I asked him and he lifted me up bridal style "saving you from detention my princess." Mat said.

I pushed him and he sat me down. He was a bit taller than me. "Hey get out of here. Why don't you  save yourself and Danny from me" I said frowning. Mat gave me a confused look and my face went from sad to angry.

I reached my hand out to gene and he handed me his phone with a familiar picture on it. I held back to tears not wanting to cry because of him. I showed it to him. It was Danny holding his tie kissing him. Mat was kissing back as-well.

Mat grabbed the phone and threw it at gene.
"That's fake!" He hissed getting in my face. I pushed him back. Tears started to stream down my face again and looked him straight in the eyes "we are through" i said and sat down.

"You don't get to do that!" Mat said grabbing my wrist before I sat down. It started to hurt so i looked at him "m-mat your hurting me" I whispered out. He let go immediately and pushed me in my seat.

Mat grabbed my face and kissed me. I pushed him but he grabbed my wrists. The teacher walked in and grabbed his collar and pushed mat away from me.
I rubbed my wrists and stared at mat in shock.

End of detention

I walked quietly out of the school ignoring my mom calling me on my phone. I saw Danny on the side walk with blood on her wrists. "What did you do!?" Danny looked up at me "I'm sorry... my scar reopened" Danny said crying.

"I'm so sorry!" She screamed hugging her knees. I sat with her and hugged her tight. I lifted up her sleeves and frowned at what her problem was.

We then went home.

HEY! You made it to the end of the chapter. I hoped you enjoyed.
I am LOVING writing this.
Til next time

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