▷The Clowns Here Kill | 2

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Sakura's POV

"We're gonna roll our dice of death, and whoever's number comes up, I gut them! I gut them right here in front of your friends!" The clown says. As they press the button we start spinning on the Merry go round.

[Right now, I'm just panicking because I don't want to die, but I'd rather die for my friends. ~Sakura]

The clown called "Luke" now rolls the dice and it lands on Eight. That number is Nikita's.

Nikita = 8

[So we're spinning round and round and round, and they're all pointing at me to be killed. And I'm thinking "Oh, my god, of course." They're gonna kill the pretty one. ~Nikita]

"You're all gonna die!"

[Like, I'm over spinning. I don't like it. It's making me nauseous and dizzy. ~Teala]

Right as Nikita was going to get killed from a farther place we hear what sounds like.. Motorcycle sounds? We find out.. Mortimer came back to help us. He has a gun and is shooting the clowns and I'm like that just made me trust way more. Now it's so intense and the bad part is we're still spinning.

[I think Mortimer is a good guy now. I'm a huge fan of Mortimer! ~Roi]

After we see Calliope come back and the clowns start running and I just am so relieved.

[Mortimer appears. And he comes and unties me... And everyone else, but me mostly. ~Colleen]

Calliope comes and unties me and rushes to untie someone else and I immediately rush over to Nikita and gave her a hug which she returns.

"I thought we're done." Manny says.

I see Safiya still tied up and I went to go help as I untied she told me thank you and I responded with "no problem" we were all relieved that no one was dying right now.

[Im making a run for it. I look down. I see these dice. I'm like, "I better take these, these could be something." ~Ro]

Dice of Death Recovered

"Get Inside, get inside!" Joey ushers us in

[So I definitely had my doubts about Mortimer and Calliope but the fact they're both helping us and rescuing us makes me trust them a little bit more. ~Joey]

"Okay, we're good? Everythings good?" Manny asks the group. I run back over to Ro.

[So after all the chaos of being tied to this carousel, at least now we know sort of what we have to do to get rid of these clowns. ~Safiya]

[In order to defeat the clowns and make them go away, we have to cleanse an artifact, right? And the Jack-in-the-box is the clown's Artifact. ~Manny]

[So we've got a key, a journal, and also the dice that the clowns had. How do we put these things together to help us figure out what to do next? ~Safiya]

After a while of trying to figure stuff out JC grabs the dice and Joey finds celery? He brings it out from a small blue fridge.

[So inside the Carnival master's journal, we discover a map of the room that we're currently standing in. So we start searching the back wall and behind the corkboard, there's some sort of locked case. ~Mat]

So after searching through the journal we find a safe behind the corkboard and we think that's what the key is for to unlock it. So I grab the key and insert it and it opens! So now there's two empty slots which look like the dice.

[We knew that the two dice that we picked up from the clowns had to go in there. ~Roi]

So we insert the dice and to our surprise the screen on top of the fridge turns on to say 'On.' And we open the fridge and wow!

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