▷Update soon, Im hoping|A/N

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Okay soooo first off, another non-ETN update sorry about that. I was planning on writing Episode / Chapter 9 during this weekend, Apparently I still couldn't.

It got a little harder writing this chapter because at first I thought that maybe I can switch over to Rosanna's POV for the time given. I tried it, and it necessarily didn't go the way I wanted so it's gonna be in 3rd POV for now.

I feel a little upset because I had two weeks to complete Chapter 9 (in my eyes, I need a chapter every week.) But I had no time and said I would post during last weekend and I didn't. Due to projects and many assigned papers I had over the week.

I have written bits and pieces for the next Chapter which is not a lot but something. I'm upset because I think I took to long trying to update this book probably due to losing quite a bit of motivation. I can never finish writing a book but I'm so close to finishing it, I might as well.

I'll try this weekend, Key word is try. I'm sure I'll have at least half the chapter done by Friday or Saturday. Then hopefully! I can post Chapter 9 by Monday morning or Sunday night. Either way sorry about this false alarm of a note. It's just a small author note.

Anyways, I'll try finishing it by then, bye bye

(Update: This is some pretty mixed news.. I think I may have to go on a Hiatus due to some problems stated above. Also, after the short Hiatus I will delete these a/n chapters. I'll be back during my next break which has confirmed to be the 1-2 week of November. During the time, I might try to write a few paragraphs every day or every other day but yeah..oh, how I feel so uneventful. Hope you have a good day, bye bye,, -Tsuki*)

[Chapter 9 and 10 are now published!]

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