▷The Carnival Master | 10

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Sakura's POV

I can't lie to myself. I am afraid of what's going to happen next. I'm scared that maybe my friends are in so much danger. The two strangers, or as they told me. Members of the society against evil. I remember Joey talking about how he used to be in it.

We had to wait it out before apparently being able to go and help my friends. They told me they had once tried to defeat the carnival master. But it was too late. They had informed me that Calliope had once been in the society as well.

They continued to tell their story. The women had began and said they start to fight the carnival master. But of course, he was too powerful against the both of them. And before they knew it, he had killed them both. Snapping the mans neck and the women who's name I learned was Jael, thought she had finished him.

Only to be surprised that the life stones had brought him back to life. She tried to fight him again but it had only led to her death. Before she died, she had told me she used the last of her powers to encase him in the amber prison. To which the group had learned first. Which is why they were here, to help them.

"That explains a lot." I answered after a long story. They had only nodded and had gone back to being quiet. I sat in the corner afraid of what was to come later. That had been the only information they had given me in the past hour. I had many questions, just couldn't get the courage to ask.

Before dying, I remembered they cleansed the Wicker man which was the one before the last artifact needed. Thinking of this made me more anxious. I knew at least one more person had died and I just prayed it wasn't Ro or Mat. Yeah I love everyone but they were apart of my top three priorities after the first hour.

All the questions I had, I tried to answer them myself. Were my friends safe? I had just answered this, I had a feeling one more person had passed. Where am I? This.. I have no answer too. Looking around, I haven't seen this building, it was almost invisible on the outside.

What happened to me? I had thought I died but I guess I was wrong. I looked over at the other two in the room. They sat on the floor trying to sharpen their weapons. They had told me they would have to kill a couple people automatically making me worry. The Life Stones they explained in their story was another thing.

The Life Stones were and still are three stones that give life to the dead. I pieced the puzzle together, if my friends found those three stones.. And all of us three are here, dead. Does that mean they can bring us back to life? I pushed these thoughts away and just tried to think of something else.

They warned me to be behind them for a while. They said it was time for us to go. I stood up and so did they which made another creeking sound against the floor. "Stay close behind for now." Jael warned. I was confused on how we were gonna go back. As far as I know this building was invisible and we were dead. The harp. Was all I thought of.

Smoke around us starts to appear and I freak out but remembered this is what happened to Mat and calm down. They start walking forward and I follow close behind them. I see more light around this fog. I realize.. We're now in the lounge. I push away some fog and see four of my friends standing there.

Ro, Mat, Nikita, and Joey. I've never been so happy too see them but I notice.. Manny's gone, he possibly died. Joey gasps in shock but soon smiles brightly, same goes for everybody else. Ro goes to hug me and so does Mat, and I give them both a small hug back but I see what the other two do first.

"I saw you when I died!" Mat lets go and points at them. "Guys, it's the Society Against Evil." Joey whispers to us in a happy tone.

"You've done the impossible like we knew you could, Joey. Now grab the Life Stones. It's time to finish what we started. And so we brought extra help." She speaks referring to my now not dead existence. "Let's finish it." Mat replies a little confident. We grab the Life Stones following the two leaders.

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