▷Wicked Witches | 8

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Sakura's POV

[After the whole ordeal of Safiya's death, plus Mat and Nikita's fight, the group got a little more calmer, May I say the keyword? Little... ~Sakura]

"It wasn't fair, Ro. She didn't have a chance." Mat says as Ro tries to comfort him. Everyone's split up in the arcade. Joey is on the side, Manny and Nikita are talking and Ro, Mat, and I are sitting on a couch.

"Okay, guys enough! None of us are gonna get out of here alive if we don't start working together." Joey tells us.

[So on one hand, we have Manny and Nikita who are acting like the mean girls of the group, and then we have Mat, Sakura, and Ro, who are like the Boy scouts, and then there's me, who just wants to go home! ~Joey]

"Look, I know you probably don't like me." Nikita says walking over to us. "I never said I don't like you. I just don't like the side of you that I'm starting to see come out, okay?" Mat replies.

[I can see both sides, but I definitely understand where Mat is coming from. There's no shame in being a survivor, but then there's also a choice to gloat about it and smile when your friends die. ~Ro]

"You seem.. Darker, more competitive." Mat says. "You don't understand what I was going through..." Nikita says.

[Nikita, Mat literally died, came back to life, plus we all saw our friends die. I'm sure we know what you're going through. ~Sakura]

After a while of back and forth, Joey buts in and says we need to find the next artifact and we don't have a lot if time.

[We have to move forward with the mission. We pull the Map of the wall, and we see that there are suddenly three new areas on it. ~Mat]

[We have the gas station, the cemetery, and a bridge that leads to the cemetery, and we're thinking, "Okay, where the hell are we going next?" ~Manny]

"Where should we start?" Joey asks us. "Burned at the stake" sounds exciting." Mat mumbles.

Before we can decide on what else, we hear a loud shriek noise coming from outside.

"What the hell!"

"What was that?"

"I have no idea.."

As we speak, Mortimer comes running into the arcade. He seemed to run inside and crouch to catch his breath.

We all start yelling questions but his only answer was, "They're gonna burn him alive." He points outside. "Who!?" We all yell.

"We don't have time for this anymore!" Mortimer tells us.

"What are you talking about?"

"Where are you going?"

He doesn't answer and just leads us outside to one of our new locations, The Gas station.

[We go to the pump station--running, of course. There's some crazy guy tied up in a very nice suit but with a hood on. My immediate thing is, like, "Why do you have a little thing over your face? Can I look? Can I take a peek at you?" ~Nikita]

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