▷Strong Like a Demon | 5

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Sakura's POV

[Joey said he was going to the bathroom, so we're waiting for him, but it's been a long time. ~Ro]

[Collectively, I can just feel the group is just down. We're like, "Okay, what do we even do next?" ~Manny]

"What do you think's in there?"

[I know, If we can open it, something good might happen. ~Colleen]

"Hey, guys, come here. I need to talk to you, please." Colleen asks ushering us over.

Once we walk over she continues.

"We're running out of time and this box is the only thing we know so far that might help us at out. We need to figure out how to open this thing and the only clue that we have is these coins, this shape. And it's the same thing that was on Joey's book bag before we got to this hell hole."

[It's also on the map and I'm starting to really feel like we can't trust Joey. ~Colleen]

"It's been really weird. All those "Bathroom breaks." Where are you going, b---h?" Manny says.

"And also every time we ask him about this, he's super sketchy."

[Like, how many tines does one need to go to the Bathroom a day? ~Sakura]

"He'll be like, "Oh, it's this society that found out about this.."" Mat tells.

[I do think that Joey knows more than he's telling us, but I'm not sure that he's evil. ~Safiya]

"It's time that we get some answers." Mat points out.

"Well, I guess we all agree to find Joey then?" I ask.

"Right. Let's go find Joey." Mat replies.

[Some people are feeling suspicious of Joey, I'm feeling concerned. Did something happen to him? Did he get like, kidnapped? Like, what's going on? ~Ro]

[We're like no b---h left behind and we start searching for his a-s. ~Nikita]

We soon go outside and find someone just staring. We realize that it's Joey.

[So we find Joey and he's at this creepy a-s weird bridge in front of this creepy a-s freakin' cemetery and I'm like, "You're trying it, b---h. Like, you're actually trying it right now." I had the right mind to beat his a-s right there. ~Manny]

We see him standing in front of the cemetery staring around.

"He's staring at the frikin' demon y'all."

"That's not normal."

[Joey's acting super weird. He's not responding to his name. He's not turning around when we're yelling at him. ~Colleen]

Colleen walks up saying Joey. That scares Joey and he let's out a "Ah!"

"Joey what are you doing? Are you okay?" I slowly ask Joey.

"Joey, what are you doing out here?"

"That's where the darkness is coming from. That's where the Carnival master is." Joey surprisingly responds.

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