▷Lost | 9

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3rd POV

Sakura didn't know where she was. She woke up in a dark room without anything but one window. She sat on the floor shocked and not moving. She had taken a look around and still, nothing. Only a small window in what looked like this small room.

A few minutes passed by and she got the courage to stand up and walk near the window. She was confused. She wondered what had happened. The last thing Sakura remembers was being towered over by witches and screaming for her friends.

She wondered if her friends we're safe or if something bad happened. She knew she wasn't supposed to be here and at this moment she felt so out of place. Putting her confusing thoughts aside she moved the curtains out of the way and looked out the window.

She knew she wasn't on the first floor. If she was correct she was at least two floors above the ground. Opening the latch on the window she heard a creek. The window had made a loud noise making her flinch.

She looked down completely unaware of her surroundings. What confused her the most was she was in the same place the group had started. In the carnival. From up in this room she had never seen this building, it was new to her. From up here she saw every building the group has gone through.

The Arcade and the lounge, two of the most safest places, the group had thought anyway. The tents, which she didn't know what happened inside but she knew something wrong did. The Drugstore, which she had helped make an antidote for Roi and Teala. The Two next places gave Sakura serious nightmares to come. Where she had seen Teala die, and how she had to battle to stay alive. The place she had seen her best friend, Mat die in cold blood. The Maiden, which to no lie would've given her future nightmares about Colleen. The place she hated the most was the fun house. Not to mention the lounge. Where she had thought was a safe place. And where her closest friend, Safiya died in front of her. The place where she died. The last place she saw was the cemetery where Joey had gone to a few times lying about his whereabouts.

All of this made her more confused watching as it came together. And her curious thoughts about her still alive friends. She doesn't know if they escaped, if another friend died, or even the thought they all died and this was just the afterlife.

Caught up in her thoughts she heard a creek from the floor boards behind her. Knowing it wasn't the window she stood still. The room was dark, the only source of light was coming from the window. She slowly crouched near the window. The creeks became louder and Sakura only grew more anxious.

Hearing the small whispers calling her name. She heard two unfamiliar voices. One of a man and the other coming from a woman. Wanting answers, she stood up. Not with confidence though, she was scared out of her mind.

The whispers continued for a few more seconds, they soon stopped when Sakura stood up with a loud creek. "Sakura. We need your help." Sakura hears the women whisper. She takes another step closer to the sound. Being confused, the light suddenly turns on. The whole room lights up, the room was quite empty. It was just the window and a painting that seemed old.

Sakura closed her eyes from the light but soon opened her eyes. Seeing two people in front of her one blonde woman and an Asian man standing before her. "Where are my friends?" Sakura said with almost no confidence and a bit of a shakey voice.

"Your friends, they're in danger. And we need your help to save them before it's too late." The man told her. "Too late?" She asked. "The Carnival Master.. He was released." Sakura's eyes widened in shock and fear. "Will you help your friends is the question." The blonde woman asked. Sakura slowly nods, "Yeah, I will."


Unbeknownst to Sakura, her group of friends had lost another friend. She would only find out later.


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Yeah, short chapter and sort of like a filler chapter because I noticed that people say it's rare for people to kill their characters in books like these. So they kill off their character and that made it quite frequent. Anyways this is a really late update and I know that. I was busy with school and barely had time on weekends. So this whole week I have a break from school which is good. So I hope to finish this book by then.


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