▷Venomous Affections | 3

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Sakura's POV

"So we don't have much to go off of besides this.." Safiya says.

[The note I found said that somebody in town is not telling the truth. ~Safiya]

"So who do you guys think is lying?" Safiya questions. "Well, we only know two people. That's Calliope and Mortimer, so.." Joey tries to blame the other two.

[I'm so thankful that Mortimer and Calliope are targets towards someones lying. ~Joey]

[I don't think it could be Mortimer or Calliope.. Calliope helped Mat, Ro and I technically not die and I'm thankful because of that. And Mortimer saved us and Nikita not die either. I don't know for now they seem safe to me. ~Sakura]

"How do we know we can all be trusted? Maybe it's one of us."

[I'm really keeping my eye on Joey, right now, I feel like he's hiding something from us. ~Colleen]

"Teala, how are you feeling coming back from the challenge?" Joey looks at Teala. "I agree with Colleen. We obviously can't trust everybody. Somebody voted me in." She answers.

"But do you think it was rightfully so?" Nikita tells Teala.

[Calliope pulls the map down from the wall. We can see that there are new things on there. ~Safiya]

"Fat man slims is new on the map."

[So I guess everytime that we cleanse a new artifact, there's gonna be more stuff on the map. ~Safiya]

"Beware the snakes. The Serpent's Eyes lie in wait." I read the small sentence.

Find Serpent's Eyes

[There's this message that says there's gonna be snakes. First we have to deal with clowns and now we have to deal with snakes. ~Colleen]

[So all of a sudden we see this woman peeping Tom at our meeting. ~Colleen]

[After reading from the corner of my eye there's this woman outside and the first instinct is too.. Tie her up and ask questions I guess. ~Sakura]

All of us see the woman and instantly stand up and have to run after her. She starts panicking and starts to run out.

[She takes off and I'm like, "Oh no, b---h." ~Colleen]

We run after her and first to grab her is Roi and he tackles but not towards the ground and we all run over and help Roi but also.. This woman and we tie her to a small chair in the arcade.

"Listen, honey. What were you doing?" Nikita points at her.

Which she surprisingly responds with, "I'm looking for the same thing you're looking for!"

"What is that?"

"And what's that?" Nikita and Teala ask. "The Serpent's Eyes."

"She was bit!" Joey yells pointing at her neck which has to red dots and lines up her face. "The snake woman bit me! She stole my husband!"

[You don't wanna cross a woman who's pissed off and is a snake. ~Colleen]

Joey is first to tell her if she knows anything about an artifact. And her answer is to look for suits in the lounge.

[What does that mean? Are they evil FBI agents? ~Ro]

Find Suits In The Lounge

So Calliope volunteers to stay back and watch her while we go back to the lounge.

[We run back into the lounge trying to see if there's anything that we haven't seen before to help us solve this clue. ~Safiya]

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