2| Meeting Everyone

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"Lucy... I was looking for you"

Lucy looked up and saw Erza.
"Is something the matter, Erza-san?"

Erza shook her head. "I just wanted to tour you around Fairy Tail High"

"Really?!" Lucy's eyes saprkled as she beamed. "Thank you very much, Erza-san"

Erza giggled and the two started the tour.

"Erza-san, Erza-san!" a girl called and rushed towards them. "Erza-san, have you seen Natsu-san?"

"I'm sorry, but I haven't, Wendy"

"Perhaps he is still in the library doing some paperworks. A punishment for causing such a ruckus at the first day of school" a young woman with long white hair butted in.

Lucy was stunned! It was her idol, Mirajane Strauss. She is a model and also the Student Council Vice President.
"Mirajane! In the flesh!"

"Ara ara... who is this girl with you, Erza?"

"I apologize for my rudeness, Mirajane-san. My name is Lucy Heartfilia, a transferee here"

"You must be the Lucy-san Natsu-san mentioned earlier..." Wendy said, almost to herself.

"Wendy, you were looking for Natsu, right?" Erza aaked.


"Why don't we go to the library together then? I was about to take Lucy there anyway"

"Great idea! You can also read books while waiting for him" Mira chirped.

The four of them walked towards the library. Mira and Erza were leading the way while Lucy and Wendy were following them just a few steps away.

"Your name is Wendy, right?" Lucy asked

"H-hai. S-sorry... I... I forgot to tell you my name, Lucy-san"

"You need not to be so nervous around me, Wendy" Lucy said and gave the girl a gentle smile.
Somehow, it made Wendy relaxed and became more comfortable with Lucy's company.


Lucy was suprised to see a familiar face sitting at the Librarian's desk.
"Hi Lu-chan!"  

"Levy-san? You are the librarian?"

"No need to be so formal, Lu. Please just call me Levy-chan instead." Levy slightly giggled. "As for your question, no. The librarian only asked me to take care of the library while she's gone"

"Levy-san..." Wendy called "is Natsu-san here?"

"Hai. He was with Gray" Levy answered "I do not know exactly where, though"

"Levy, how about you show Lucy around here? You can also look for Natsu that way" Erza sugested.

"I would love to! Demo..."

"Don't worry, we will cover for you here, Levy" Mira said, smiling "I'll be waiting for Lisanna here, anyway"

"Yey! Thanks, Mira. Thanks Erza!"  Levy said and then grabbed Lucy's hand "This way, Lu-chan!"

"Levy-chan... who is Lisanna?" Lucy finally asked when they weren't in Erza and Mira's earshot anymore.

"Lisanna?... she is Mira's younger sister" Levy answered "and also Natsu's ex"

"Hai..." Wendy agreed while nodding "It is really amazing how Natsu-san and Lisanna-san remained friends even after they broke up"

"You do know it is rude to gossip about someone else's   past relationship right?" someone suddenly butted in. She was leaning against a bookshelf just a few steps beside them.

Levy and Wendy blanched when they saw her!

"I was just joking"  Lisanna slightly laughed and walked towards them. "After all, the past is already past"

"You must be Lucy, right? Natsu's new seatmate?" Lisanna asked.

"Hai..." Lucy answered, hesitating.

Lisanna beamed. "Natsu and I are no longer classmates. So, take care of him, okay?"

Lucy stared at the girl before her. She was undeniably Mira's sibling. They got similar features and the same blue eyes. Lisanna also has white hair, but hers is short and are tied to pig tails.

"Wendy, you must be looking for Natsu, right?" Lisanna asked. "I know where they are"

"But Mira-san is waiting for you-"

"I've already texted her. She said she'll just keep Erza company" she said and then grabbed Lucy's hand. "Let's go!"

Natsu and Gray were sitted on the farthest corner if the library. Both them got a tall stack of papers on their tables!

Natsu forcefully stood up.
"Gaaaah! I can't take this anymore!" Natsu screamed, pulling his hair in frustration!

"Shut up, Tabasco idiot" Gray said "The faster you move, the quicker we could finish this"

"Tss!" Natsu flopped down to his seat and rested his head on the table. When he looked up, it is only then he noticed the presence of the three girls.
"Oi, Lisanna, Levy, Wendy, Luce"

"Natsu-san..." Wendy called softly "I need to tell you something important"

"Haa? What is it?"

"Etto... Natsu-san..."
Wendy kept fidgeting and avoided eye contact. She was hesitating!

"Is something the matter, Wendy?" Lucy asked, a litle worried. Gray also stopped and waited for her to talk.
Now everyone's full attention was on her!

"Natsu-san... he... he's back"

Natau stood up and slammed his hands on the table!

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