7| Eventful Weekend

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Hope you'll like this long chappie!



"Lucy, sweetie..." Grandine called "We have to finish fixing your room. Will it be alright if you stay in Wendy's room for the time being?"

Lucy shook her head and waved her hands. "You need not to worry so much, Tita. I'll just go home to my apartment for now"

"No, I insist"

"Please stay, Lucy-neesan... I would like to spend more time with you too" Wendy cutely said

Seeing Wendy's adorable puppy eyes and pouted lips made her sigh in defeat. Lucy ruffled her long blue hair and beamed "Alright, I would also love to spend more time with you, Wendy"


Saturday 7:30a.m.

Dear Mom,

I'm sorry I wasn't able to write you letters these past days. This week has been hectic with the preparations for an event they called "Fairy Festival". Everyone is really excited for this event. They say it is similar to a school cultural festival, however there are many activities that change each year.


Lucy stopped writing when Wendy called. Her long hair was dripping wet and a baby pink towel was wrapped around her.

"It's your turn to bath, Lucy-neesan!"

"Un! Thank you, Wendy" Lucy grabbed her towel and entered the bathroom.

This has been their routine in the mornings for the last week. Wendy would bath first then Lucy. After they have been dressed for school, they would eat breakfast along with Mr. and Mrs. Marvell and then the four of them would leave the mansion together.

But that it wouldn't be the same today.

Sighing in content, she wrapped her towel around her body and stepped out of the bathroom.

"Yo! Good morning, Lucy!"

It was Gray! Shirtless!

"KYAAAAAH!!! Lucy kick!"

Her kick sent Gray flying backward towards the opposite wall!

*Boogssh! Crash!

Hearing the loud crashing sounds, Erza, Levy, Wendy and Natsu stormed into the room.

"Luce! / Lucy-neesan! / Lu-chan! / Lucy! What happened?"


"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to...I-... I... I'm sorry!" Lucy repeatedly apologized.

Lucy was now dressed properly and they were in the living room after eating breakfast along the Marvells, Levy, Erza, Natsu, and Gray.

"I should be the one saying sorry" Gray averted his eyes and rubbed his nape, his ears tinged red "It's my fault entering your room, anyway"

"It is really your fault, Gray. Why on Earthland were you in my daughter's and Lucy's room? And half-naked?" Grandine asked calmly, but her smile caused a chill to run down Gray's spine.

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