6| Family

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"You're my girlfriend now, aren't you, Luce?" Natsu said, giving Lucy another of his toothy grin.

"You're a girl, right? And you're my friend. That makes you my girlfriend!"

Everybody sweatdropped!

"Hahaha!" Igneel's laughter thundered. "If that's the case, then you can call me Tito Igneel, Luce!"

"My name is Lucy Heartfilia. It is such an honor to meet you, sir-... I mean Tito Igneel" Lucy courtly said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Lucy. I wouldn't really mind if you really are Natsu's girlfriend" Igneel replied, followed by a loud chuckle.

Lucy's already beet red face blushed even deeper! Now it can be comparable to Igneel's hair!

"Now, now... Lucy, sweetie, don't mind the words of that idiot, alright?" Grandine gently said, beaming sweetly.

Igneel pouted. "My love for you will never fade, Grandine. Even though there is no day that you don't insult me"

"Awww~ don't pout like that Honey~" Grandine coaxed, cupping his face with her hands. "It doesn't suit you... You look disgusting"

Everybody sweatdropped! She looked like an angel but her words were very harsh!

"Follow me, children" Grandine said gesturing to Lucy and the others.

Grandine led them through the winding corridors until they reached the gardens. In its center was a simply decorated yet elegant pavilion. There were around thirty people there. Many maid servants were coming back and forth, serving drinks and finger foods.

Lucy recognized most of the guest's faces. They were business tycoons! Of course, she would be familiar with those faces! But unlike before when she would usually see them, now they were not wearing their flamboyant clothes, flashy jewelries nor their common fake smiles.

'It seems they are having some really fun time' Lucy thought 'It is such an uncommon sight to see billionaires smile so genuinely'

"What is this gathering for, Wendy?" Lucy asked.

"Mama and Papa is always busy and can be stressed sometimes. This is a little party Mama and Papa organize for recreation." Wendy answered "They invite their close friends including their family to have fun together. Some may not be able to arrive because of their work, but as much as possible, they make time to attend. This party is held at least twice a month."

Lucy only nodded. Her eyes were trailing her friends and watched as they mingle with the crowd.

'Lisanna and Mira Strauss, Levy McGarden, Gray Fullbuster, and Erza Scarlet' Lucy recalled their full names. 'They are also children of business tycoons. It is not such a wonder for them to be acquainted with the guests'

"Lucy-san, Lucy-san, come with me!" Wendy excitedly chirped and pulled Lucy towards the chocolate fountain.

Lucy picked up a strawberry and dipped it on the chocolate. "Hmmm... Yummy!"

Wendy picked up a round bread and opened it with her fingers. She put a scoop of vanilla ice cream and strawberry ice cream in it and poured some chocolate syrup.

"You should try this one, Lucy-san!"

"Alright..." Lucy said hesitating. She closed her eyes shut and took a bite.

"Wow! So delicious! How did you discover this fusion, Wendy?"

Wendy shook her head. "Ate Inday taught me this. When she came back from her vacation, she brought a bread from her home town which she called pandesal. She stuffed it with vanilla ice cream and let me have a taste. I liked it very much! So I tried it with different flavors of ice cream and different breads. The pandesal was still the best one, though"quick a/n: the word "Ate" here is pronounced as A-teh which means "Big/Older Sister"

The speakers blared

"Ehem, ehem!... Wanna spice this party up more, everyone?~"

Wendy's face brightened.

"The games are starting Lucy-san!" she chirped, pulling Lucy's hand. "Let's join!"

Lucy beamed. "Un!"


The sun have long set and the guests has left one after another. The only ones that stayed were Erza, Gray, Natsu and Lucy. They were going to eat dinner together with the Marvells.

Seeing the familiar food served on the table, Lucy sighed

"Lucy... Lucy... Lucy!" Erza called and placed her hand on Lucy's shoulder.

Lucy flinched as she snapped back from her daze.

She felt uncomfortable under everyone's gaze and bowed down her head in embarrassment.

"S-sorry for spacing out"

"What's the matter, Lucy? You've sighed for the nth time now" Erza said, a bit worried

"Don't you like the food served, Lucy-san?" Wendy innocently asked

Grandine reached out to Lucy's hand that was placed on the table.

"You're like family to us now, Lucy. You can tell any of your troubles to us, alright? We are more than happy to help you in any way we can" she said gently, staring straight into Lucy's chocolate brown eyes

Lucy felt motherly love lacing every word that came out from Grandine's mouth.

'Just like how my mom would comfort me...'

She felt a little sad remembering about those times, but at the same time happy. It made her really happy to feel this warmth after a such a long time.

Lucy averted her gaze and looked down.

"Well... It's just that..." she started hesitatingly. The blonde girl paused for a moment, trying to find to find the right words to say.

She sighed. "I do not have enough money to pay my apartment any longer. Our landlady may make me leave. I am afraid I will have no more place to stay..."

A loud fit of chuckles erupted from Igneel. "Is that all you're worried about, Lucy? Consider that problem solved!"

Lucy quickly whipped her head towards him, mouth slightly agape. Her face contorted to a small grimace showing both surprised and confusion.

"If you are worried to where you would stay, you can move in here in mansion!" Igneel explained.

"Really?" Lucy's face brightened. "But wouldn't I be a bother to you?"

"Of course not sweetie" Grandine said. "Like I said earlier, you are like family to us now"

"Thank you Tito Igneel, Tita Grandine!"

"Yey! Lucy-san is living with us now!" Wendy cheerfully said "Can I call 'Lucy-neesan', Lucy-san?"

"Un!" Lucy beamed.

Then they continued eating as they chatted happily.

"Tito, Tita... I was just wondering" Lucy started "How come Natsu uses a different surname than you? Aren't you his family?"

"He is family, Lucy" Igneel answered with a chuckle "but we are not blood related"

Seeing "confusion" written all over Lucy's face, Grandine elaborated her husband's statement. "You see, Natsu's father and Igneel are best friends and eventually became business partners. He would always bring Natsu whenever he comes, be it because of business or just to visit his pal. Natsu felt like a son to us" Grandine smiled reminiscing the memory. "We also have almost the same relationship with the rest of the gang"

"And now, we have a new member in the family!" Igneel announced and everyone nodded

except Lucy "Did someone gave birth?"

The girls giggled at Lucy, Gray smirked, while Igneel let out a loud chuckle.

Natsu shot her his usual toothy grin. "Welcome to the family, Luce!"


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