9| Day Before the Festival

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When Lucy arrived in the Marvell's mansion, she went straight to her bedroom. She dropped her bag on the floor and flopped down her bed face first! Her body felt so heavy. Even moving a single effort takes too much effort!

From the corner of her eye, she saw unpacked boxes orderly stacked on one side of the room.

'Those are my belongings from my apartment. I should unpack them'

"But I'm sooooo tiiiiirrrrrrreeedd..." she grumbled. "I'm just gonna do that tomorrow....."

She pushed her heavy body to roll halfway and lay on her back. She felt too tired to move even a muscle, but it was still to early to be sleepy. So she just stayed there staring at the ceiling and sprawled out on her bed. She literally did not move a single muscle!

After who-knows-how-long, someone knocked on her door.

"Lucy? Sweetie?" She heard Grandine's voice behind the door. "Lucy?" She called again, then was followed by the doorknob clicking open.
"Sweetie, come downstairs. It's time for dinner"

Lucy propped herself up to a sitting position.
"I'm sorry, but I would rather rest than eat for the mean time, Tita Grandine. I'm not actually hungry" she replied. However,

"*grrrrrrrrrkk*" her stomach said otherwise!

Lucy's face became redder than a tomato!

Grandine giggled. "Then I will just bring your food here" she said "Go wash yourself and change to your pajamas. That way, you will be more comfortable and rest better"

"Thank you, Tita Grandine"

Grandine flashed a smile and exited the room.

Lucy heaved a sigh and pushed herself to stand up. She groggily grabbed a random shirt and her towel, then stepped inside the bathroom.

After washing off all the sweat and grime that has accumulated the whole day, Lucy felt really refreshed and sleepy.

She was about to exit the bathroom when she noticed there were two doors. She forgot which one leads back to her room!

She sighed picked the door to her right randomly. She closed her eyes and went through the door.
'Please be the right door... please be the right door...' she chanted in her head repeatedly.

The moment she opened her eyes, her jaw dropped to the floor! The door led to her large walk in closet that must be hers. Her eyes wandered excitedly. It has the same color scheme as her bedroom. It looked simple, yet so elegant!

She noticed that there were already several sets of clothes  neatly arranged in there. There were also some shoes, bags, accessories, etc. 'Do I still need to unpack? All of this is more than enough for me!'

Lucy hummed happily as she dressed into the pajamas that she randomly grabbed.

She sighed in delight. 'Gotta thank Tita Grandine and Tito Igneel properly tomorrow!'

She was about to exit her closet but abruptly stopped when she was standing in front of one of the full length mirrors.

She stared blankly at herself.
"Ashley..." she muttered and reached out to her face in her reflection. "Please forgive me, Ashley... I'm sorry..."

Her happy expression was wiped away from her face and been replaced by... sadness? regtret? guilt?

However, it was quickly hid away.

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