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Y/N walked through the door to her apartment which she shared with her boyfriend, C/N. She called out "baby I'm home" there was no answer, he might be sleeping she thought so she went through the door of their room.

Your PoV

I walked through the door and saw him with his tongue down a girls throat I closed the door. I wanted to scream at him but I didn't I went and sat on the sofa in the living room being as quiet as possible I put my earbuds in and listened to some BTS and tried not to cry. After a while I heard them come out of what was our room and I stood up to face them. When he saw me he looked terrified. The girl just stood there probably thinking "oh crap".

Crushes PoV

I came out of mine and (Y/N)'s room with (random girl or one you don't like) I hoped (Y/N) wouldn't find out but I found her standing up facing me when I went into the living room I thought "crap she is gonna kill me"
Instead she just said hello "you must be (random girl's name or a girl you don't like) (C/N) has been talking about you a lot, would you like a cup of tea?"
(R/G/N) replied "oh no thank you I really must be go"
(Y/N) "that's a shame I would love to talk to you, maybe another time?"
(R/G/N) replied "maybe"

Your PoV

When (R/G/N) had left I just looked at him, I wanted to cry but I couldn't in front of him not after what he did.
He just looked at me like I was crazy.
When he left I sat on the sofa and cried  I decided to call my cousin (Cou/N)  I couldn't form words properly all I managed was "he cheated"
She replied "I'm coming now see you soon"

Cousins PoV

I got a call from (Y/N) she sounded really upset all I got out of her was "he cheated"
I replied with "I'm coming now see you soon"
I went to the shop and brought: ice cream, cake, biscuits and sweets. I also called for Dominos at her apartment. When I got to her apartment I let myself in (I have a key for emergency situations) like this. I walked in (Y/N) looked a mess I dropped the bags of food and gave her a hug.
I asked do you want me to call (Bff/N)?"
She nodded "do you need my phone?"
I nodded she handed it to me her lock screen was  f/a or f/b
I pressed my thumb to the home button. Her home screen was f/a or f/b
I laughed and said "you really like them don't you."
She nodded "they are my fave artist/band"
I asked "Who is this anyway?"

Your PoV

She said "no who is this anyway?
It's f/a or f/b.
She looked at me and said "ok right
She said"I was gonna call (Bff/N) wasn't I?"
(Y/N) replied "yes"

An itsy bitsy time skip brought to you by Jungkook's abs and because I'm lazy to when (Bff/N) comes.

Bff's PoV

I got a call from (Y/N) when I picked up it was her cousin (Cou/N) she told me that (C/N) had cheated on her with (R/G/N)  I was so mad!
I went round to (Y/N)'s apartment and me and (Cou/N) decided to get (Y/N) to wipe off her ruined makeup and put her pyjamas on we had both brought pyjamas with us as we kinda knew that we would stay the night.

We all curled up on the sofa with tissues popcorn, ice cream, cake and pizza. We watched lots of movies eventually we fell asleep.

A/N sorry for not updating this is probably crap I wrote it in the car on the way home from holiday. I have edited this so you can insert your fave group or artist.
If you read my stuff thanks for reading byeeeeeeee! Hester xx

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