Guess who's back, back again (this is a oneshot btw)

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Hey y'all I'm back I finished my mocks yesterday but we don't get our results till the 7th of December I have to wait forever. As I've been away for ages I'm gonna do a long one if you wanna request anything as my messages on Wattpad aren't working you will have to DM me on Instagram at Jungkookishellajungshook and with that lets get into the story.

Your PoV

You woke up to the sound of your alarm and a heavy weight on you waist, you looked it was an arm??? Why the hell was there an arm around your waist??? Then you remembered last night.


You stumbled into you house trying not to wake your parents as it was way past curfew. C/N was helping you you made it up to your room and ...

End of flashback

Oh my god. You got up and went to the mirror and saw a shit ton hickeys on your neck.
"OH SHIT" you thought.
As you began to to do your makeup and blend your foundation down your neck along with concealer and then you did the rest of your makeup making sure that you set it well.

Crush's PoV

I woke up in a strange room then I realised what had happened when I saw Y/N covering the hickeys on her neck.
"Who's home?" I ask.
"No one, my mum has gone to work and so has my dad and my brother/sister is at her friend's house but you need to leave before or after me otherwise people will work out that something happened"(your not dating btw.) Y/N replied.
"Phew" I thought.

A time skip brought to you by all the girl's friends who do something when their crush walks in *raises hand* *puts hand down* to when they get to school.

Your PoV

C/N had to make up some bs about why he was in your bus (if he is on your bus or if you don't get a bus to school ignore this).
When you got to school and met your friends, your best friend noticed how you were kinda awkward and not talking as much as normal. She pulled you aside and asked if you were ok you replied and said "I'll tell you if you promise not to tell anyone or overreact
ok promise?"
"Promise" she said
"Well me and C/N maybe kinda fucked." You said.
"You promised you wouldn't overreact"
"Oh yeah sorry are you talking kinda I guess but we don't wanna cause a thing in school."
"Does he have hickeys too?" Bff/N asked.
"Yeah a couple" you blushed.

Time skip to lunch because I'm lazy.

You had just eaten when you saw C/N walking towards you. Uh oh you thought.
"Y/N can we talk?"
"About what?" You asked.
"Last night was it just drunk sex that didn't matter or is it something more? I'd like it to be something more." He said looking down and blushing.
"I'd like it to be something more too." You replied.
"Ok" he smiled.
He lent in and kissed your forehead then walked away.

I didn't know how to end this one so yeah I know it's not great my friends inspired me to write this (they are really weird but I love them) anyways thanks for for reading.
Hester xx

Crush x reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now