Sweet Pea

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I know I don't do characters or people but if you like it I will do more. I am obsessed with Riverdale right now anyway.
Y/ht is your hometown
Y/c is your country
Y/m/j is your mum's job
W/y/m/w is where your mum works
Y/M/N is your mum's name
Y/a is your accent
Y/M/M/N is your mum's maiden name.

You were moving form y/ht in y/c to Riverdale in America. You and your mum were moving due to your mum's job she had been offered a y/m/j at a(n) w/y/m/w. It was you and your mum. As your dad was out of the picture. Your mum had grown up in Riverdale and moved to y/c where she had met your dad.

You and your mum got to the airport you went to get food before getting on the plane ready for the long/short flight. After you had eaten you got on the plane and found your seats.

You arrived and got off the plane your stuff had to be shipped so you had brought the stuff you could carry with you and in your suitcase. When you arrived your mum said "I wonder if Pop's is still here?"
"It's a diner that I used to go to with my friends when I was your age."
You rolled your eyes laughing. "Ok sure I'm hungry too"

When you arrived at Pop's you ordered and sat in a booth. When your food arrived Pop said "hello Y/M/N I haven't seen you in years. How are you? What are you doing here?"
"Well I got a new job here."
"That's fantastic hope you are well."
"We are very well thanks."
"I'd better get back to serving customers. It was nice talking to you again."

When you had eaten you drove to your new house you got ready for bed and fell into bed as your jet lag was taking over. You had school tomorrow anyway you were going to attend Riverdale High.

The next morning you dressed in black jeans and a white lace bralette with a black leather jacket and black and white adidas superstars. You put on some light make up to make a good impression you walk into Principle Wetherbee's office and spoke to his PA and collected your schedule you were then shown around by this girl called Betty Cooper.

You were sat in biology a what you were guessing was probably an American football player flirted with you and you being you flirted right back. Betty nudged you and whispered. "That's not a good idea."
"What?" You whispered back.
"Flirting with Reggie Mantle."
"He is the biggest fuckboy in school along with Chuck Clayton."
"Right ok I'll stay away."

Time skip school brought to you by Riverdale.

You got home and did your homework then ate dinner with you mum. You and her were close ever since your dad had fucked off. You went upstairs and took a shower then you went to bed.

The next day you got dressed and did your usual make up you grabbed a cereal bar and rushed out the door as you had woken up late you got in your car and drove to school you got out and put your stuff in your locker you turned at the sound of the door opening. You then realised that it had gone very quiet you saw a group of people walk in led by a kid in a crown beanie on his black hair. You notice a tall kid who seemed to be looking your way, another kid who is shorter than the really tall one but taller than the kid with the weird beanie there was also a girl with pink hair. You looked around and saw Cheryl and Reggie.
"Stand down Eva Perone."
"I'm sorry Cheryl I don't remember inviting facist Barbie to the party."
"Wrong Veronica, no one invited Southside scum to our school. Listen up Raga-Muffins. I will not allow Riverdale High's above average GPA suffer because of classrooms that are overcrowded with underachievers, so please do us all a favour find some other school to deface with your hard scrapaways."
"Oh shut up Cheryl." You said in your y/a.
She turned around and looked at you with a smirk "oh look how cute the new kid is standing up for the south side scum."
The girl with pink hair walked forward and said "come over here and say that to my face."
"Happily queen of the buskers."
Archie who was Veronica's boyfriend who was Betty's best friend spoke and said "ok guys, everyone can we put our Northside, Southside differences apart and start over, a new slate-?"
"You don't speak for the Bulldogs Andrews and need I remind you these greaser-snakes showed up at your place trying to kick your ass."
"Happy to finish what we started" the tall and rather attractive "serpent" said he was pushed back by a few others.
"I'm so over this toxic masculinity in this hallway right now." Veronica said.
Then principle Weatherbee said "alright that's enough pomp and circumstance. Everyone lets get to class. Now.

You rolled your eyes and went off to you first lesson, English the group of serpents who had got upset by Cheryl came and introduced themselves the tall, handsome one was called Sweet Pea, the girl with pink hair was called Toni, the one with the crown beanie was called Jughead and the musclier looking one was called fangs.
"Thanks for sticking up for us back there. You are obviously not from around here I'm Sweet Pea.
"What gave me away? My accent? Or the fact I stood up for you?"
"Well sort of."
"I was joking I'm Y/N Y/M/M/N by the way."
"Y/M/M/N as in Y/M/N Y/M/M/N?"
"Umm yeah. How do you know my mum?"
"She was a serpent with us then she left to the y/c with her family."
"I never knew that. I'll ask her about it tonight when I get home."

Time skip to when Y/N gets home. "Mum?"
"Yes sweetheart?"
"What do you know about the serpents?"
"How do you know about them?"
"There is this kid called Sweet Pea he told me that you used to be a serpent then you left to go to y/c with grandma and grandpa."
"He is right darling."
"Ok thanks mum love ya."

Time skip to a few months later.

You and Sweet Pea had been dating for a few months you were planning to become a serpent.

Do you guys want a part 2? If you liked the characters then I will write more. Hope you guys enjoyed it.
Hester xx

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