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Your PoV

I was sat in English my friend was ill today so I didn't have a seat partner. I was getting on with my work highlighting an extract and writing notes. Someone knocked at the door it was C/N and his teacher, both teachers spoke for a while. Part of me hoped he would be told to sit next to me the other part hoped he wouldn't. I glanced at him but quickly looked away hoping he didn't see me. My teacher then told him to sit down pointing to the seat next to me.

Crushes PoV

I was told to go to (your English teacher's name)'s class as I was "misbehaving". I knocked on the door with my teacher. Upon entering I looked around to see who was in this class there was my crush Y/N. She had no one sitting next to her, she glanced at me but quickly looked away. I was then told to sit next to her I was walking over and I saw her facial expression change from confusion to worry.

Your PoV

I was minding my own business doing my work when he sat down next to me, I continued with my work minding my own business. He tapped me on the shoulder. I turned looked at him "what do you want? If it's work I don't know what you are doing I wasn't misbehaving and sent to another class."
"I want you." He said smirking.
"Ha ha real funny C/N."
"I'm serious."
"Yeah and I'm a Kpop idol."
"You are??"
I rolled my eyes and continued with my work.

Crushes PoV

I sat down next to Y/N she was doing her work. I tapped her on the shoulder.
"What do you want?" She asks. "If it's work I don't know what you are doing I wasn't misbehaving and sent to another class."
"I want you." I said smirking.
"Ha ha real funny C/N."
"I'm serious."
"Yeah and I'm a Kpop idol."
"You are??"
She rolled her eyes and continued with her work. She's really pretty when she bites her lips when she concentrates. I decided to try and get her attention. I dropped my pen by her feet and asked.
"Can you pick up my pen?"
She proceeded to roll her eyes again and bent down to pick it up. (You're sat down but you have to lean over to get it I hope that made sense.)

Your POV

I picked up C/N's pen that I'm pretty sure he dropped on purpose not gonna lie. I give it back and continue writing I was nearly finished and didn't know what to do cos I would usually talk to my friend but she was ill that day. So I ended up doodling on a bit of paper in my pencil case.
When I was drawing he poked me.
"Your good at drawing do you do that a lot?" He asked.
"Sometimes." I reply.
"Who are you drawing?"
"Celebrity crushes name/ultimate bias's name."
"Oh who's that?"
You wanted to give him their life story but decided against it incase he thought you were weird. So you just said.
"Their a (whatever they are) they have been in/one of their songs is (song name or film or whatever.)
"Oh right them I think I've heard of them."

*the bell rings* signalling the end of class.

Sorry this is a filler chapter and thank you for 10k!!!!! 💜💜💜💜

Hester xx 💜💜

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