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This one is about Emmy and Jared for brideofharrystyles  (you can either change the names or skip to the next chapter if you are here for c/n x y/n.

Emmy's PoV

I was talking to my best friend about Jared in history, we were meant to be listening to Mrs "Bonns talking about the civil war. My friend said "Why don't you tell Jared you like him?" Much louder than than I wanted her to and I hoped he didn't hear.
"Shhhhhh do you want him to hear?" I ask annoyed "You know I can't he doesn't like me anyway."

Jared's PoV

I heard Emmy's best friend saying " Why don't you just tell Jared you like him?"
I smiled and pretended not to hear her I had a plan to ask her to be my girlfriend.

Time skip brought to you by Christian Anthony that's it.

Emmy's PoV

I had just eaten my lunch and was heading to the music room to practice. As I walked into the music. Block I found an empty room and began to sing "Hanging by a Moment by Lighthouse". I didn't hear the door opening and closing I was so lost in the music.

Jared's PoV

I could hear Emmy singing from the music room and began to put my plan into action. I slipped in without her noticing and stood by the door waiting for her to finish.

Emmy's PoV

I turned around to get something and nearly had the fright of my life Jared was standing behind me. "How long have you been standing there?" I ask embarrassed trying to hide the blush forming on my cheeks.
"Not that long." He replied. "You have a beautiful voice by the way."
I smiled shyly looking anywhere but his eyes.
He stepped forward and held my hands I gave him a surprised look.
"I've liked you for a while now you know and I wasn't sure if you liked me back but I didn't mean to over hear you conversation in history but that's what gave me the courage to come and find you. I know this is probably a bit out of the blue but can I kiss you?"
I looked up at him and nodded we lent in, his lips felt soft. He then dropped onto one knee and asked "would you do me the honer of being my girlfriend Emmy?"
"Yes of course I will. I replied with the biggest grin on my face. "We need to get to English or Mr Chamberlin will kill us." I giggled the last part grabbing my bag and his hand we got to English and slipped into our assigned seats. I turned around and saw Jared talking to his best friend, Devon. We were all sat together on a table they were sat opposite me and I was sat next to a girl called Lily she seemed nice.

I hope it's what you wanted I tried to follow your instructions as close as I could.

Hester xx

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