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Along Came Alice 

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Along Came Alice 

 Those who don't  believe in Magic

will never find it . ❞ 

-Alice in wonderland 


Alice Murphy had the hardest time growing up being one of the only Irish Gypsy's to live in Romania but there was one thing to soften the blow...

Her sister, whom she loved very dearly and would possibly die for.

But dear Alice never got that chance, not with the arrivals of four new vampires in town.

The death of her sister came as quickly as it went, but Alice had no idea who was the one to kill her dear little sister, until her father put a curse on the beast who did it, Angelus, one of the four vampires new to town had become quite good friends with the little Gypsy girl, had killed her little sister, his punishment was one of the worst to have come to a vampire...

He got a soul!

When Alice found out that it was him who killed her sister she hated him but it got worse when her father found out that the two where friends, her father cursed her with bearing Angel and his new soul.

Not many years after the curse was placed on the pair, did Alice die , Ironically a vampire got to her and made Angel watch as the drained her of all her blood.

 Present day, Sunnydale, Alice, is brought back to life to help the scooby gang defeat  Angelus!


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