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previously in Along Came Alice :

"Well yeah" Alice said, the powers looked at her with a face that said ' I'd stop if I were you.' Alice notice that look on their faces "sorry" she apologised "what are we going to do?" she asked.

"We're going to send you back a few weeks before it happens and you're going to try and stop it, is that clear." the power said.

"Crystal" Alice replied before they sent her away. 


Along  Came The Irish Girl 

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Along  Came The Irish Girl 

{Inca Mummy Girl} 

Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, 

It became a butterfly... 

                                                                          - Proverb 


It had taken a while for Alice to get used to the new world that she was in, a lot is things were different from when she was in the world. Women can now wear trousers, there is now a thing called a television, and cars, but most of all there was the internet, it was so helpful. But once dear Alice got used to the new world she loved it.

At that moment in time she was living in Ireland with this old watcher and she was quite enjoying it, it was quiet where she was staying and that was new from what she was used to, she was used to people around her making a lot of noise or chanting spells. But the peace and quiet wouldn't last long, she had a job to do and she knows that.

And for Alice to do her job she had to go to the one place she really wished didn't.

"Alice, you ready to go?" Stanley, the old watcher asked.

And that was the small town of Sunnydale, in the lovely state of  California and the only way for her to go there was for her to go for foreign exchange.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a minute Stanley," she yelled down the stair, closing her bedroom door behind her.


"This is so unfair" a Blond girl stated as she and her two friends walked closer to the building, she didn't like the idea of having some stranger live in a house with her and her mother, like what if this person that was meant to stay with them was trouble, like supernatural trouble.

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