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previously on Along Came Alice:

As she looked around her she felt her body go all fuzzy and emit light, she knew what was happening. of course she did, something was pulling her back to the planet below and she knew why.

"So how can I help?"


Along Came the Powers that Be 

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Along Came the Powers that Be 

"we'll be friends forever , won't we  Pooh?" Asked Piglet.

"Even longer" Answered Pooh .

                                                                                      - Winnie The Pooh 


She smirked at the people around her "So how can I help?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.

The people around her, knew of how she acted, they had watched her grow up and interact with Angelus who went by Angel, she had a quirk to her that probably made her and Angelus very close.

"We need to stop him." the powers stated in union.

She looked at them dumbfound   "Well Yeah, Duh." she said as she looked around the room they were in "Don't you know what he's like as Angelus?" She asked rhetorically. Of course she knew that they knew what he was like but she liked being sarcastic.

"Alice Jessica Murphy would you stop." The powers said.

She looked at them with her signature smile  "yes of course mother" she looked to the female power " father" she looked to the male power.

The powers shook their heads, they like to think that she would course all of time and space to cease existing  with her sarcastic ways but the all knew, including Angelus, that they wouldn't have it any other way.

"You need to stop him." The powers continued from where they finished.

"Well yeah" Alice said, the powers looked at her with a face that said ' I'd stop if I were you.' Alice notice that look on their faces "sorry" she apologised "what are we going to do?" she asked.

"We're going to send you back a few weeks before it happens and you're going to try and stop it, is that clear." the power said.

"Crystal" Alice replied before they sent her away. 


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