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previously in Along Came Alice:

The slash on her hip started to become more painful.

She crouched to the ground, feeling the blood ooze out of the slash.

The world started to go black.

the last thing she heard was all three of them calling her name.


Along Came Her awakening 

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Along Came Her awakening 

I feel like I have a new life

and I'm going to take 

Full advantage of it .

                                                                     - William Green 


Alice Murphy looked down on the world below, not knowing how to feel about her so called best friend losing all of his humanity, she had specifically told him that this would happened but did he listen to her, no he did not .

Watching down on him was not how she planed the rest of her life, oh no, she through that she would be watching while being next to him but the stupid vampires wanted to hurt him so they killed her.

As she looked around her she felt her body go all fuzzy and emit light, she knew what was happening. of course she did, something was pulling her back to the planet below and she knew why.

"So how can I help?"


Outfit for next chapter :

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