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previously in Along Came Alice :

The two girls got back to the house not long after Alice had asked to go back to the house, Cordelia looked at the Irishwoman, she looked really pale, 'it must of been something she ate or drank at the dance' Cordelia thought to herself as she help Alice up the stairs to her bedroom.

She got Alice into her bedroom and into her bed before leave the Irishwoman by herself, Cordelia smiled as she saw the brunette asleep in the bed, Cordelia walked to the bedroom door and turned off the light leaving the girl in a world of her own.


Along Came The Goodbye For Now 

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Along Came The Goodbye For Now 


  sometimes you have to rethink things

you thought you thought through 

                                                                - Winnie the pooh 


"I cant Believe that you're leaving" 

"Yes Cordi believe it or not  that what it means when I say I'm going to visit my Uncle." Irishwoman commented sarcastically " and anyway I don't leave until tomorrow."

"Al, you don't really need to be sarcastic now do you?" Cordelia smirked.

" Yes, yes I do" Alice said innocently, a cute smile playing on her lips.

"I'm going to get a coffee with Harmony if you want to join." Cordelia said as she walked over to the kitchen counter to get her hand bag.

"Yeah just give me a minute to get sorted and then we can go" Alice said.

"Yeah I'll meet you at the car." The American said.


In the coffee shop in the middle of Sunnydale, three girls sat around a table; Cordelia, Harmony and Alice the three girls where laughing with one another, having a good time and just being normal teenagers but something was nagging at the back of Alice's head. She had a job to do and she needed to start on it.

In the corner of her eye she noticed something or someone lurking in the shadows, he was tall and slouching down  but Alice knew who he was, it wasn't hard to tell, she wonder what he was doing out in the sunlight but as she looked over one of the other tables she noticed why. 

The slayer and her group of friends were there and he was keeping an eye on her, as she looked back at Cordelia and Harmony, she tried to keep her head down, knowing now was not the time for him to find out she was alive.

"Al, you alright?" Cordelia asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, head in the clouds" Alice answered trying to keep her voice quiet for him not to hear it but unfortunately for her he heard it, his head snapped up rather quickly and looked towards her.

"Shit" she whispered to herself, " I've got to get going , I'll see you at home Cordi." with that the young Irishwoman legged out of the coffee shop.


There was a knock at the door.

Angel had been out of it for awhile after he had seen Alice, there where so many questions going through his head; How was she alive? Who brought her back? Why was she back? When did she get to Sunnydale? And what was she doing in Sunnydale?

He soon snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the knock at the door again, he rushed up to answer it, it was probably Buffy coming to visit him but he was wrong when he answered the door.

Outside the door stood Alice, freezing cold and dripping wet, while he was deep in his thought it had started to rain and Alice had apparently got caught in the rain  "Ally" he whispered 



outfit for next chapter:

A\N: Quick little interlude before the next chapter is posted and Alice and Angel have finally seen each other again

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A\N: Quick little interlude before the next chapter is posted and Alice and Angel have finally seen each other again.

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Writtenbyacientstars. X. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2019 ⏰

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