Chapter 5: Crash in DC

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  2 years ago

" C'mon, Nath!" the thirteen-year-old girl pleaded. The two females had left Hamilton County, Ohio, on their Mazda CX3. Summer break had come, at last, the only problem was, Jon was gone the entire month and was out of the city as well. While the Kent boy had gotten his first phone, you haven't. The only time you can talk, was when you had gotten to your destination, back home, and Nath's phone, to dial his cell number and chat with him for a couple of minutes until he had to go again.

"Just tell me a little bit about her!" the (h/c) insisted, "Her nationality, least what she looked liked!"

Asenath, raising a brow, as she was to focus on the road in front of her, "And why should I do that?" she asked. "Because," the (e/c) beauty started, " You don't seem to like the talking about dad much either, then you do with my other mom." Asenath couldn't help but smile, knowing the fact that you considered her to be your actual mother.

" That's true, but I'm giving you fewer details as possible, wouldn't want to spoil it for you." the green-eyed woman murmured, "After all, you'll get a chance to meet her soon," you cheered up a little bit from that comment, but soon frowned when she added, " When you turn eighteen, of course." It was a sign you knew too well, she didn't want to talk about them.

After not speaking to one another for about five minutes, the silence was broken.

" Omnilingual." Nath spoke, as you looked at her, confusion written over the young girl's face, " What?" " Your real mother, she's Omni-" "I heard what you said," you interrupted, " But what does it mean?" as soon you were met with silence again, you knew she wouldn't remain quiet unless a different topic was brought up. The sound of the car's engine and movements made you want to take a quick nap.

You leaned back, to the leather seat of the car, after leaning forwards for an hour. Asenath hasn't told you yet since it was a surprise, but you were both going to Washington DC for a couple of days.

"Are you also not going to explain where we're going, and why I packed my belongings?" you asked, and Nath said a simple no.

A mile in, you spot a cop car and the driver on the side of the road, a line up other vehicles mostly making their way back to where you and Nath came from.

The police officer spotted Nath's blue car, and hold their hand up, signalling her to slow down and stop. Cynical and anxious, the older woman parked to the side of the highway road, cautiously not to hit anyone, parking her car. As soon as you both stopped, you spotted the policeman, coming towards your direction from the rear mirror, you grew pale. "Did...did we do something wrong?" you wondered, then looked down at yourself, you had your seat belt on properly, so did Nath. She surely wasn't speeding or talking and eating while driving, that's for sure.

"I have no idea," the foster mother rolled down the car window, as she noticed the cop had made it. "What seems to be the problem, officer?" Nath curiously asked as the policemen bend down to get a good look at the two females in the car.

"Where are you two heading too?" the male questioned, he didn't seem to pull out a notepad and jot down a ticket, making the two of you sigh in relief,

"Washington Dc, sir. For vacation." Nath answered you swung your legs bag and fort. The police took a good look at your hoodie jacket, with an "H" stitched to right causing to stop moving at once and freeze, worried if you have done something, wrong.

"You two are from Hamilton County, right?" "Yeah, that's right, sir" Nath spoke up. " That's a long drive, about what, seven hours?" "Well basically, sir, we're almost there so we still have fifty minutes..." the female corrected at the police now distant himself the car.

A child of destiny (Jon Kent x fem!reader)  (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now