Chapter 6: Lost and found

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Five years ago

The murmuring filling the classroom had encouraged me to woke up suddenly, and  stay awake a little longer. Outside the open window, it was the early morning of November. Jon sat beside me, with our desks pushed together, wearing his blue hoodie jacket for the weather, he wore his glasses as usual, minus the cap he usually wore over his head, exposing he's ruffled inky hair he rarely showed off.

The Kent boy gazed at me with worry, it's as if he's been like that for a while. As I started to be fully aware of my surroundings, wiping what I thought was drool, from when I was taking my " 5 minutes" nap, from the side of my cheek.

The minute I made contact with something wet, my entire upper body jolted upwards off the desk, turning away from my blue-eyed friend, as I furiously wipe anywhere else where I might have drool, cheeks flushing red from shame. ' Jon must probably think I'm some sort of slob...' I thought, glancing back, Jon sat still, sapphire eyes looking down on his lap, red-face as if he was caught doing something he wasn't supposed to do.

" H-how long was I asleep for?" I spoke softly, changing the subject, just to forget about the fact I was drooling, I checked to see if there were anything on my desk I should wipe clean. The chatting around the classroom quiet down as our history teacher walked into the room, the only odd thing was, he carried a bag pack instead of the stack of paper of questions we had to do. I looked over my shoulder, small smiles were plastered over my classmate's faces, as today was going to be exciting. " Only for a little bit," Jon whispered back, knowing that we weren't allowed to talk unless the teacher told us too.

I took a good look at Jon, his eyes are alight, as he struggles to stay still, his lips curled into a smile, as he looked back at me. " Aren't excited for today?" he questioned, my expression morphed into a puzzled one, "What-what do you mean-" " (y/n)! Quite talking, or I'll cancel the trip for the entire class, and we'll go next week instead!" Mr Daken threatened. Some of my classmates gave me dirty looks as I try to make myself small, " Sorry, Mr Daken...!" I squeaked, fist tightening, Jon was about to rise up from his seat to say something, until I grabbed hold of his sleeve, pulling back down, mouthing a 'No', ' didn't do anything, you were just trying to ask me a question, it's my fault you...' 'I deserve it, after all, I wasn't listening...'

I understood that we were going out, as in out of the classroom for the rest of the, which sounded great. Being cooped up in the classroom all day didn't seem that satisfying.

" Since I received all of you permission forms, signed by your parents, we'll all be able to go on that filed we've all been waiting for!"

The classroom exploded with cheers, along with me and Jon, paper airplanes, pencils and paper balls were thrown all over the place.

"Settle down!" Mr Daken ordered, "Or we'll be spending our day in the classroom instead, I'm not done explaining!" we all hushed up, really wanting to leave the class for the day.

Our blond teacher, cleared his throat, pulling out a clipboard, " There some rules you all need to understand and know before with leave," Jon and I, along with the entire class, groaned, not interest in listening.

The teacher ignored our protests and started reading," Rule #1: Do not threaten or jeopardize the safety of anyone; if we have a lockdown or some sort of person like a metahuman attacks the building, stay together and do not get in the middle of it, let the authorities or the superhero who are available in the area deal with it...." our teacher skipped through a couple since none of them has anything to do with us." Rule #6: Do not carry, lead, bring an animal into the museum, with the exception of service animals under the control of their owners...Rule #7: Do not leave bags or personal items unattended. Oversize bags (larger than a standard daypack) must not impede movement within galleries or occupy visitor seating. The Museum reserves the right to move, confiscate and inspect any bags left unattended in the museum. Rule #8: Please, don't lie down, doze, or sleep in any museum gallery, also do not touch anything!" the teacher eyes landed on a particular student, glaring at them, "That means you, Greg, no funny business unless you want to be left behind!" before going back to look at the list. " Rule #9: Use the restrooms for bathing, shaving, washing, rinsing or drying hair, or washing, rinsing or drying clothing. No horseplay. And finally, rule #10: Stay in groups and stay together, the museum we're going to visit is pretty big."

A child of destiny (Jon Kent x fem!reader)  (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now