My first mission

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"Y/N time to get up." I hear Natsu say softly. I groan.

"No I'm comfortable!" I whine and he chuckles at me.

"We gotta get up and go train." He whispers in my ear causing me to shudder at the new sensation.

"Fine but in a little bit please? I'm cozy." I beg and cuddle up closer to Natsu. "You surprisingly comfortable you know that? I could get used to sleeping like this."

"I had no idea I was so comforting." He chuckles

"Me either. But now I know. And I ain't budging." I say in a serious tone

He laughs at me and nuzzles my neck. We stay like that for a few more minutes before I have to get up to use the restroom.

"Ok now I have to get up." I say and try to get up only to fail. "How do I get out of this thing on my own?" I ask and natsu laughs at me again.

"Throw your legs over the side and I'll push you up." He says and I do as I'm told and I was up in no time.

I rush to the bathroom use it and wash my hands and leave. I go get my clothes as Natsu uses the bathroom. When he's done I go back in and get dressed.

We head to our training spot at the back of the guild.
"Ok. So I'm going to see how good your defense is. I'm going to attack you and you need to either dodge or cancel out my flames. Got it?" Natsu says

"Got it. Bring it on!" I yell and take my stance.

"I'm all fired up!" He yells and starts attacking me.

I show off my agility first by dodging all his attacks with ease. He looks at me impressed then grins and launches a bunch of fire blasts at me. I dodge some and cancel some out by launching my own fire at them.

"Very good! Now come here."

I walk up to him and he blindfolds me with his scarf being careful not to cover my ears.

"Now you will have to rely on your other senses to defend yourself" He says and spins me around a few times.

I hear him jump away and I focus. I hear his attacks and dodge. He attacks again and I make a shield out of fire to protect me from a flurry of small blasts. I hear him charge at me and I block his punches but not without difficulty. He got me with a kick to the gut. It wasn't hard but enough to knock the wind out of me. I fall to my knees and he undoes his scarf from my eyes.

"Your actually really good at everything. I'm surprised you haven't fought before. Sorry about kicking you by the way." He says and offers me a hand to help me up.

"It's ok and I have fought before in self defense but I never considered myself very good."

"You are a good fighter! In fact let's go on a mission right now to test your skills!" Natsu says and pulls me into the guild to pick a job.

We can the board and find one. "Capture a escaped inmate. 200,000jewel. Inmate is considered dangerous. Proceed with caution." Natsu reads it out loud. "Sounds easy to me. It's just one guy. Let's go!" He yells and signs up for the job.

"Your so confident Natsu. I admire that about you." I say with a smile as we leave the guild.

"You need to have confidence to succeed!" He smiles and pulls me along.

"Oh by the way. IF this guy proves to be a lot to handle just feed me your fire. It'll boost my magic power so I can take him down." Natsu says with a confident smile.

"Got it!" I reply and we head out.

Time skip
"Alright we are here! The last place he was spotted." Natsu says and I look around.

The place looks completely deserted. A perfect location for a criminal to hide. We start looking around and I hear rustling. I grab Natsu's arm and he nods at me. He heard it to.  We stand back to back looking everywhere and listening closely.

"Over there!" I yell and point at a shadow moving in a nearby building. We both run after the shadow and quickly catch up. The man stands his ground and steps out of the shadows to reveal the man we were hunting.

"Awww did the two love birds come after the big bad wolf?" He smirks. "Better be careful little birdies or you'll get eaten." He mocks us and Natsu growls.
"Oh did I make the poor wittle bird mad?" The man continues to mock us.

"Go get him Natsu. I got your back." I whisper so Natsu can hear me. He gives me a grin and attacks the man.

The man fought back with shadow magic but he was no match for Natsu. They fought for a while but Natsu finally won. He wasn't even out of breath! He tied the guy up and dragged him behind us as we walked to the place that ordered the man captured.

On the way I gave Natsu a couple of flame hamburgers and he was happy. You could see that his energy was replenished.

We dropped the man off and collected our reward. We headed back home and I couldn't help but tell Natsu how amazing he was.

"You were amazing! I never seen anyone fight like that and you made it look so easy!" I exclaimed as we walk back.

"You did pretty good to. You watched my back and don't forget it was you that saw him in the shadows! You deserve credit to!" He says to me with joy in his voice.

I can tell he was being nice to boost my confidence but I also feel like he genuinely was impressed with me. Either way I smile at him. I know he means well and wants me to do good.

We make it back to the guild just in time to tell them the job was completed and head home. Some members seemed to be surprised we were done so quickly considering it was my first mission.

"If you guys do missions that quickly then you make a pretty good team!" MiraJane said when we told her we were done already.

"I guess we do make a pretty good team huh?" I ask and look at Natsu who just smiles brightly and says

"yeah we do!" He reply's happily

"Well bye Mira we're going to go home and rest. Cya tomorrow!" I wave goodbye and leave with Natsu right beside me.

We head home and I take a much needed shower. When I get out of the shower I see Natsu laying in the hammock just starring at the ceiling. I walk up to him and he turns and looks at me and smiles and holds his arms open for me.

"Come on let's go to sleep." He says.

I blush. "But Natsu your not wearing a shirt."


"Why aren't you wearing a shirt?"

"Because I'm hot."

"I know your hot" I say with a wink "but that's not a valid excuse."

"I mean physically I'm hot. I feel more comfortable without it."

"Natsu your a fire dragon slayer. Your always hot."

"Just come lay down." He grumbles in annoyance.

"Fine. You win. For now." I smirk and lay down in his outstretched arms and he wraps them around me.

"Your right. You are hot." I mumble and he laughs and nuzzles my neck.

"It doesn't mean make me hot now." I tease.

"Don't tempt me." He purrs.

"Ok I won't. Good night!" I say quickly and pretend to sleep he tickles my stomach and I laugh

"Your so funny." Natsu says with a chuckle

"I told you I'm a kid at heart." I say softly and nuzzle my head into his shoulder and start to fall asleep. As I'm dozing I hear him mumble

"I'm glad you came."

"Me to Natsu." I mumble softly and fall asleep.

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