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A/N: new cover! I hope you like it! I'm sharing the original in case you want to use it as a wallpaper or something😊)

"Natsu!" You hear Gray yell as he barges into Natsu's house causing you to scream and Natsu to jump and hold you closer to protect you.

"What the hell man?!" Natsu yells and looks at Gray and let's you go much to your dislike and sits up "I was sleeping good." He groans

Gray smirks and says "I can see that." While looking at you laying next to Natsu. You blush and hide your face. "Anyways. Natsu there's rumors of a dragon sighted near the coast of hargeon. I thought you'd want to go check it out."

"Heck yeah! Let's go!" Natsu says and jumps out of the hammock quickly causing it to sway recklessly

"Whoa....hey. I'd like for my face not to kiss the floor today!" You shout and hold on to the hammock for dear life.

"Sorry" Natsu says sheepishly and stops the hammock from swaying and helps you climb out of it. "Now let's get ready and go. You coming with us Gray?" Natsu asks

"Yeah! All of us want to go. Me, Erza, and Lucy. Wendy and Gajeel aren't interested. They say there's no way a dragon would go near a town." Gray says and shrugs. "We'll meet you guys at the train station." He says and walks out the door.

"Stupid Gray interrupting my comfortable sleep. I understand why but damn it he couldn't wait?" Natsu grumbles angrily as he gets dressed. You just stand there and giggle at him.

"It's not like we can't sleep like that again you know." You tease and Natsu grins at you.

"I know. But still!" He whines and you laugh.

You both get dressed and head out of the door just to see happy come flying up.

"Hey little buddy! Where you been?" Natsu asks

"With Carla. Your not the only one with a girlfriend you know." Happy says with a smile

"So she finally gave in huh? Good for you buddy!" Natsu says happily and grabs the blue cat and hugs him

"Hey let go!" Happy whines and Natsu chuckles at him. You just smile at the pair. Happy has been MIA a lot and now you know why and you can't help but feel happy for the exceed. He's finally found someone to love that loves him back.

We reach the train station and see everyone there waiting for us.

"Hey guys!" Natsu shouts and runs up to them with me and happy close behind

"You guys finally made it. What did you do go back to cuddling?" Gray teases and I blush like a idiot

"No we didn't and what's it to you if we did huh? You jealous?" Natsu says with a smirk

"No I'm not!" Gray shouts

"You totally are ice princess." Natsu smirks at him

"Whatever pyro princess." Gray retorts

"Knock it off you two!" Erza yells and they immediately stop talking. Natsu runs back to me and gray just stands there.

I notice Lucy is just standing there not saying anything so I walk up to her.

"Hey Lucy. You ok?" I ask sounding concerned

"Yeah. I'm ok. Thanks." She smiles weakly

"You sure? You don't seem ok but I won't force it out of you. Just know I'm here if you need to talk about anything. Ok?" I tell her with a smile

Fire of Love ✔️ (Natsu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now