Chapter 1: The Quidditch World Cup

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"Aria!" called a voice in the distance. It was just starting to get dark as the Quidditch World Cup would soon begin. Witches and wizards of all ages were pouring into the large stadium. Aria Ashborn was making her way up the stairs of the stadium when a voice caught her attention. Her face lit up when she turned around to see her fellow classmate, and friend, Hermione Granger.

"What are you doing here?" Hermione asked with a smile before wrapping Aria in a warm hug, "I didn't know you were going to be at the World Cup."

"My dad got us tickets!" Aria beamed, "He just couldn't resist!"

"Did you do something new to your hair?" Hermione asked, obviously noticing how Aria's hair was a dark brown which faded into a caramel blonde. The last time Hermione had seen Aria, at the end of their third year, Aria's hair was simply brown which it had been her whole life.

"Yes. Do you like it?" Aria smiled, glad that someone had noticed. She had done her hair this way because previously she hadn't been very noticed at all at Hogwarts. The only friend she really had was Hermione and even then she was on the outskirts of Hermione's click with Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Ginny Weasley, Ron's sister, was her friend but since Ginny was a year younger, they didn't have many classes together.

"It looks very nice." Hermione said kindly.

"Maybe I've started a trend." Aria joked. Suddenly, Ronald Weasley and Harry Potter appeared beside Hermione. Both with longer hair than when Aria had previously seen them.

"Hermione hurry up." Ron said before taking notice of Aria, "Oh, hey Aria." He simply waved as they were not close enough friends for hugs.

"Ron." Aria said to Ron with a smile before turning to Harry, "Harry."

Harry, who had momentarily forgotten to speak, caught himself and said, "Oh hi. What are you doing here?" Harry was not always good at small talk, "I mean, obviously you're watching the Quidditch World Cup. That was a dumb question." Ron gave him the look of, 'are you serious right now?' and Harry took this cue, "Do you want to come and sit with us?"

"That's kind of you, Harry," Aria said with a smile. It was a nice thought for him to invite her but obviously unlikely since their tickets had an assigned seat on them, "My dad got us seats farther up, but thanks."

"Why don't you come by our tent afterward?" Ron suggested. Aria tried to hide back her smile as she felt lucky to be included.

"Yeah, I'll ask my dad." she replied. Loud trumpets announced that the World Cup would soon begin. "Well, it looks like it's about to start. I'll see you." She waved before walking up the stairs.

"See you." Harry said, following her with his eyes though she was out of range to be able to hear him.
Later that evening, Aria made good on her promise to stop by the Weasley tent. Fred and George, Ron's twin brothers danced around as Ron spoke about how amazing Viktor Krum had been in the Quidditch match. Aria and Hermione sat at the table with Harry close by. Everyone was laughing and having a grand time. Ginny sauntered past Ron.

"Think you're in love, Ron?" she joked and Aria and Harry laughed.

The twins then started singing, taunting Ron, "Victor, I love you, Victor, I do!" Harry laughed at this before turning to Aria.

"What do you think of Krum?" he asked with a friendly smile.

"I think he's a brilliant seeker." Aria said truthfully, "But not as brilliant as the famous Harry Potter." she joked and Harry smiled. Aria turned to Hermione, "What about you, Hermione?"

Hermione seemed to be in a deep thought that Aria had interrupted. She got back on track saying, "Oh yes, Harry is a brilliant seeker."

"Not Harry, Krum." Aria laughed, nudging Hermione, "Do you think he's handsome?"

"Well, I've never really thought about it." Hermione said though Aria was not buying this.

Aria smiled before checking her watch. She stood up suddenly, "Look at the time. I should head out. My dad's probably worried sick." Aria put on her sweater all the while beaming from such a fun night. She walked towards the edge of the tent and slightly peeled back one flap.

"Be careful going back to your tent!" Fred joked, "Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on." Aria nodded just and waved just as Arthur Weasley burst through the tent, making his way towards Ginny. As the twins began a pillow fight, Mr. Weasley grabbed the pillow from them.

"Stop!" he said urgently, "Stop it! It's not the Irish." He grabbed Ginny's arm protectively, "We've gotta get out of here. Now." Aria and Hermione shared a look of panic before following everyone else outside of the tent. Outside, chaos had erupted. People were running and screaming. Tents had been lit a flame. In the distance, but not too far, were men in pointed hats carrying torches.

"Get out!" someone cried, "It's the Death Eaters!"

"Get back to the portkey everybody and stick together!" Mr. Weasley shouted before turning to the twins, "Fred! George! Ginny is your responsibility!" And with that everyone started running. Fred, George, Ginny, and Mr. Weasley ran towards the left around a tent. Aria followed Hermione as she went to the right.

"Harry!" Aria called as Harry and Ron caught up. The four of them ran, trying to dodge everyone else running in chaos. Hermione and Ron made their way back to the group but as Harry and Aria neared them, they were whisked in the other direction by the mob. Harry grabbed on to Aria's hand as not to lose her as he tried to push his way past people to get back to the group. But it was no use and the two of them found themselves farther and farther away in seconds before losing all direction of where the group was.

"Come on." Harry said to Aria, holding her hand tight, realizing they would have to find another route. Aria ran with Harry, their lungs burning from fear and exhaustion.

"Aria!" a voice called in the distance. Aria stopped for a minute and Harry turned around, not dropping her hand.

"Harry, it's my dad!" she cried, "I have to find my dad!" and she pulled him in the other direction. He went to follow but he tripped and let go of her hand, falling to the dirt ground.

"Aria!" Harry called in a panic as he tried to stand back up. But so many people were running past him that he lost sight of her.

"Harry!" she called, having lost sight of him too as the chaos took her in another direction. Harry again tried to stand up but a person running past kicked him in their stride and knocked Harry out cold.

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