Chapter 5: The First Task

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November seemed to arrive sooner than anticipated meaning it was almost time for the first task

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November seemed to arrive sooner than anticipated meaning it was almost time for the first task. Harry had spent much time with Hermione preparing and so, Aria spent much time with Ron who was in a foul mood when it came to discussing Harry and the tournament. As they got closer in friendship, Aria would try and explain to Ron Harry's side of the situation but Ron would not listen to reason. Instead, he'd hypothesize to her how Viktor Krum would win the tournament much to Aria's annoyance.

"I bet he'll punch the dragon square in the nose!" Ron was saying, in the library the evening before the task.

"Won't that just make the dragon angry?" Aria asked, not looking up from her Charms textbook.

"No, I expect it'll just knock the dragon straight to sleep." said Ron, "Maybe it'll take a few punches, but he'll manage."

"Why don't you two get married already?" Aria joked and Ron looked offended.

"Why can't I just be a fan?" Ron exclaimed and Madam Pince, the librarian shushed him from across the room.

"There's a fine one between being a fan and being obsessed." Aria retorted.

"Oh yeah?" Ron replied. "Well, I'll stop talking about it then if it's annoying you."


"But one more thing-"


It was the day of the first task and Harry paced in the tent with the other champions. Cedric sat on a bench staring down at his wand. Fleur and Viktor stood in opposite corners, both listening to the growling outside. Harry played Moody's advice over and over again in his head.

"Psst." Harry heard a whisper from the outside of the opening to the tent. He walked closer to it, curiously, and pressed his ear close to the opening.

"Harry? Is that you?" he heard the voice of Hermione.

"Yeah." he said, nodding though she could not see him.

"How are you feeling?" she asked, with a worried voice, "Okay? The key is to concentrate. After that, you just have to--"

"Battle a dragon." Harry replied. Hermione, scared for Harry, opened the flap to the tent and embraced him, much to his surprise. When they broke, Harry gave her an assuring smile.

"Is Aria out there?" he asked, "I didn't get a chance to see her."

"Yes." Hermione answered, "She's so terribly worried. We all are." Hermione and Harry conversed for a while before they were interrupted by Rita Skeeter, the journalist for the Daily Prophet. After she was shewed away, the headmaster of the schools came in to brief the champions and Hermione was asked to leave.

Aria sat in the stands next to Ron and the other Gryffindors. Hermione made her way up the stairs to sit next to Aria. Down below, in the arena was a gigantic dragon, a Swedish Short-Snout to be exact. While many cheered, excited for the tournament, Aria had spent her time worried, not only for Harry but for Cedric as well.

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