Chapter 3: Curses and Champions

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Aria walked in to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class the next day

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Aria walked in to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class the next day. Mostly everyone was there except for the professor, Mad-Eye Moody. Aria's next task was to look around for a place to sit which would not be too much of a hassle for any normal student. Normally, said student would have a friend to save their place. Aria did not believe she truly had any friends in filled with Gryffindors and Slytherin. Hermione, who was the closest thing Aria and to a friend, was already sitting next to Ron. Her next to choice would be Harry, who had barely known who she was before the Quidditch World Cup, or so she thought. Her first instinct told her to sit next to him but her brain told her not too since she expected someone to steal that seat as soon as she decided on it.

As she was deciding whether or not to risk it, Harry looked up and behind him, noticing Aria. "Aria! Over here." he called. Aria smiled at his kindness. She took a seat next to him and sat her books and quill down. "Indecisive?" Harry joked about Aria not being able to find a seat.

She smiled awkwardly, "Yes. That's me. Indecisive Aria."

"Does Potter have himself a new girlfriend?" A sneering voice said and Aria and Harry turned around to see Draco Malfoy sitting behind them with his friend, Goyle.

"Oh shut it, Malfoy." said Aria irritably.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Draco asked, rudely, "I've literally never seen you here before."

Aria scoffed, "We had three classes together last year."

"I don't recall that." Draco said genuinely but still with a rude sting.

"Aria?" Aria said, annoyed, "Aria Ashborn? Half-blood?"

"Yeah not ringing a bell." Draco said and Aria rolled her eyes.

"You stole my potions book last year when you couldn't find yours." she said, almost giving up. "You probably still have it."

Draco thought a moment before his eyebrows lifted up, "Oh I do vaguely remember that. Did you change your hair?"

"I did." Aria said before turning back around.

"Huh." replied Draco. Draco seemed like he was about to say something else but before he could, Professor Moody stepped into the classroom causing silence to fall over the room. The class watched as he made his way to the front of the class and stood in front of the chalkboard. Aria could smell his dusty leather jacket.

"Alastor Moody." he said before turning around to write his last name on the chalkboard. His stern voice and the squeaking of the chalk struck fear in the students. "Ex-Auror/ Ministry malcontent and your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. I am here because Dumbledore asked me. End of story, goodbye, the end. Any questions?" His fake eye looked around the room and you could hear a pin drop. "When it comes to the Dark Arts, I believe in a practical approach. But first, which of you can tell me how many Unforgivable Curses there are?"

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