Chapter 6: The Unexpected Task

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The next day was sunny and clear and Harry could rest slightly, knowing he wouldn't have to complete another task until after Christmas

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The next day was sunny and clear and Harry could rest slightly, knowing he wouldn't have to complete another task until after Christmas. Hermione still got on him every day about figuring out the clue. He wasn't procrastinating, he just couldn't figure the egg out. Hermione realized this and tried to not stress Harry out so much.

Harry's arm had grown quite sore overnight so he had gone to the hospital wing the next morning. Madam Pomfrey gave him a white sling to put his arm in. This caused Harry to be late for breakfast. when Harry entered the Great Hall already many students were finished and the Gryffindor table seemed thinner.

"Where's Aria?" Harry asked, taking a seat next to Ron and across from Hermione.

"She's over at the Hufflepuff table talking to Cedric." Ron said while putting a large sausage on his plate. Harry looked over to see Aria laughing as she talked to Cedric. He could only see the back of Cedric's head, however. He wondered what they were talking about and he felt his ears grow warm though he did not know why.

"Yeah, my dad does like to brag about me." Cedric smiled as Aria's eyes twinkled across from him, "What about your dad? What does he do?"

"He's actually a muggle-school teacher." Aria said before taking a sip of orange juice.

"Really?" Cedric asked, intrigued.

Aria nodded, "You see, when my father decided to marry my mother, who is a muggle, his entire family disowned him."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"I don't even think I've met his side of the family." Aria replied, "So we live with my mum's side in a muggle community. My mother teaches biology and my dad teaches mathematics at a muggle boarding school."

"How interesting." Cedric said, charming as always, "Now, was your father a Gryffindor as well?"

"No, he was actually a Hufflepuff." Aria smiled.

"No wonder you and I get along so well." he replied and Aria chuckled.

"My whole life I expected to be a Hufflepuff as well and then out of nowhere I'm sorted into Gryffindor. I'm still not sure why."

"Are you talking about bravery again?" Cedric asked, "You know, bravery doesn't always mean slaying a dragon." Cedric could tell she wasn't really buying it, "For example, you are fearlessly who you are."

Aria met his eyes, "Thanks. I think this year I've really started to be myself."

"It looks good on you." Cedric replied. Aria looked past Cedric's head to see Harry looking over at her, taking a sip of pumpkin juice. She smiled at him, but when he smiled back he must have forgotten he had liquid in his mouth and the pumpkin juice spilled from his mouth. A few girls around Aria noticed and were laughing. Aria giggled a bit and Cedric noticed.

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