Chapter 11: The Third Task

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Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Aria tried to enjoy their spring

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Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Aria tried to enjoy their spring. However, most of it was spent finishing up with exams and much cramming for them. Harry tried to concentrate on this, though, he still had the third task in the back of his mind. Aria and Cedric had gotten much closer together in the following months and had since gone on many dates ranging from Cedric teaching her Quidditch to tea at Madam Pootifoot's. Harry had learned to suppress his jealousy for Cedric and his and Aria's friendship blossomed because of it. Now, spring had turned to summer and it was time for the third and final task before the school year would come to an end.

Everyone was gathered in the stands of the Quidditch field. A large maze began in the center of the field though no one could see where it ended. The hedges were far too tall and ominous. The crowd cheered and the Hogwarts band played the trumpets loudly and triumphantly. The four champions stood in front of the maze in front of a large crowd. Fleur wore a periwinkle track suit, her slick hair in a ponytail. She was joined by Madam Maxime, her sister, and a friend. Krum wore a tan colored sweater with the Durmstrang crest on the front in red. His school cheered him on and chanted his name. As did everyone else in the stands. The Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge was present and spoke to his other Ministry officials. Cedric and Harry entered together, with Dumbledore, both wearing the appropriate color of their house. Hermione, Ron, and Aria met Harry as he entered the field. The friends had been told that they only had a limited time for pep talks before they would be ushered off the field.

"Good luck Harry." Hermione said giving him a hug.

Ron put his hand on Harry's shoulder, "Concentrate. You've got this."

"We'll all be cheering for you." Aria said. Harry could feel his palms sweating. He was both nervous and scared. All the other champions seemed to be excited except for Harry who had never even wanted to participate.

"Thanks everyone." Harry replied and non-champions turned to go back to their seats in the stand, except for Aria, who was called over by Cedric. Cedric stood with his father who was a plump man with slick silver hair that went down to his chin and small oval shaped glasses.

"This is my girlfriend, Aria Ashborn." Cedric said, putting his arm around Aria. He turned to face her, "Aria this is my father."

Mr. Diggory shook Aria's hand delightfully, "Oh it's a pleasure to meet the girl who has made my son so happy!"

"Champions. Prepare yourselves." Dumbledore called and Aria knew that meant she was supposed to leave.

"Good luck, my boy." Mr. Diggory said putting both hands on Cedric's face. Then, he went back to sit next to Arthur Weasley in the stands.

"Be brave." Aria said, looking into Cedric's grey eyes.

"I'll think of you." he said and their lips met. Aria smiled and went to sit on the edge of the center row next to Mr. Diggory and behind Hagrid. Ron and Hermione sat on the other side of Mr. Weasley.

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