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Only an hour later, the two of them were already in Connor's car again.

(Y/n) was sitting cross-legged on the passenger's seat, scribbling down quotes inside the notebook Connor had bought. He would try to sneak a look at what she was writing from time to time, but she'd always be quicker, covering the page with her hands.

"You get to see it once it's done." She would say cheekily, then resume her activities once Connor would look away.

After about 12 minutes, she finally put down her pen, then leaned back in her chair. "Well, that's everything I could think off from the top of my head."

"May I look at it now?"

"Don't read and drive, Connor!" (Y/n) responded with fake worry in her voice. "I mean, I'm not done yet anyways."

"But you said-"

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean we won't keep looking for new quotes." The young woman argued, slithering her hand between their seats. "Can I have a look at your music? If you don't mind, of course."

"Just don't put on Knights of the Black Death, please."

"Your wish is my command. Let's see what you got."

Connor only heard rustling from between their seats as he turned his attention back to the road, waiting for (y/n) to say something. And after a few minutes, she did.

"Now this, is what I call vintage." She smirked while looking over an album. "How old is this album? 30 years? 40?"

Inspecting it, she turned it over, glancing over the details written on its back.

"40. Oh my god, this is so old. Though my mom used to love it when she was a teen, I think. This band, I mean." She presented the album to Connor, who didn't even have to look at the back of it. A quick scan of its cover was enough for him to identify its release date, amount of songs, and artist.

Album name: Death of a Bachelor
Artist: Panic! At the Disco
Release date: Jan. 15th, 2016
Tracks: 11

"Let's see what this baby's got!" (Y/n) smirked and put the cd inside the car radio. Connor noticed her bouncing in her seat impatiently and couldn't help but smile.

Tonight we are victorious,
Champagne pouring over us
All my friends were glorious
Tonight we are victorious!

"This is a bop." (Y/n) decided, only 17 seconds into the song.

In spite of the song's rather quick and energetic nature, Connor had to admit that there was something electrifying about it, something that made him unable to resist drumming his fingers against the steering wheel.

So he agreed.

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"Saying 'If you go out you might pass out in a drain pipe'
Oh yeah, don't threaten me with a good time!" The young woman shouted out the last lyric, fist-pumping the air, accidentally punching the car's roof. Wincing in slight discomfort, she inspected her knuckles after the impact. "Whoops."

"Are you in pain?"

"Nah, don't worry." She shook her head and shrugged. "I swear, this album is like a drug. We've listened to it how many times now?"

"Just started our third time." Connor answered, still bobbing his head along to the rhythm of the song. "Up until now, I couldn't really understand why humans enjoy listening to something on repeat, but...I think...I can see why."

(Y/n) laughed softly. "You've been a deviant for how long now?"

"Twenty-one years." Connor answered promptly, watching her expression. He could only identify curiosity on her face, and was more than glad that she wasn't judging him. In spite of deviating over two decades ago, Connor had to admit that even up to that day, he still found himself in situations where he was reminded of his true, mechanical nature.

"Well, guess there's always something new to learn about being human, huh?"

Connor couldn't help but smile while staring at the road ahead. How did he ever deserve to find someone like her? So understanding, soft, and gentle...such a wonderful person.

If Connor would have ever been able to daydream, he was almost certain that (y/n) would be the silhouette haunting his subconsciousness. With her voice, her smile, her assuring touches, and those eyes. It wasn't particularly their color Connor was drawn to, but the emotions that could practically be read off her even simplest gaze.

Maybe he wasn't designed to believe in fate or anything of the sort, but the warm tingling inside his gut made him want to. To believe that it was more than pure coincidence that had led him inside that diner. That made him find her.

"You are wonderful." He blurted out, not even realizing he had said it out loud until he found (y/n) staring at him weirdly.

"Wonderful?" She raised an eyebrow. "What's so wonderful about something as messy and incalculable as me?"

"Exactly that." The Android answered. "You're all the things I could never be. And that makes you...wonderful. And human."

"Thank you." She could only smile and gaze outside the window. Connor was almost in disbelief that he had actually managed to unintentionally fluster her. The Android even had to double-check her heart rate to convince himself that he did actually have this effect on (y/n).

It was almost too good to be true. Him, a machine, something so utterly disposable and replaceable, had actually made (y/n) nervous.

He couldn't help but drum his fingers against the steering wheel and shift in his seat.

"Oooh my Gooood. Connor! Connor, look at that!" (Y/n) tapped his arm, interrupting his train of thought and pointed to something outside her window. Curiously, Connor tilted his head, only to realize that they were driving past a field of sunflowers.

His eyes widened in surprise. He had seen sunflowers—a lot of times, actually, but this...seeing such copious amounts, swaying along to the soft summer breeze, it was possibly one of the most alluring sights Connor had ever observed.

"May we pull over?" He asked, looking back at (y/n) for approval.

She only grinned. "You read my mind."

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